Wich direction and macro ratio confirm

Hello, i alredy made some post but situation is changing so wanna know your point of view about my condition.
Quick recap, i am 5'6 and my weight actually is 157,5lb.
I started to diet around 3-4 May at 162lb switching from 2400kcal to 2200 kcal. i did some weeks at 2200 but cause i wasnt dropping weight i went first to 2050, then 1950 etc etc. actually i am at 1700kcal perday from 2 weeks.(around 1900 my weight on scale was stable but i was looking ''better'' in the mirror, same happening now at 1700. dropping weight really slowly but feeling better in the mirror)
I train 6 days a week with an up/low/up/low/up/low/rest split. My weights on bench/squat/deadlift are improving weeekly according to my program.
Actually i am at
180 3x7 bench press 75%
187 3x5 squat 80%
253 3x5 deadlift 85%
110 3x4 OHP 80%

My macro split is 1700kcal
135 CHO, 60 FAT, 160 PRO

According to pic i would like to know what you will do in my situation, still try to dropping weight/recomp or just improve calories and bulk?
Macros are ok? it would be ok to loweing pro to around 145 and go up with fat? (seems like my body work better with fat instead of carbo)
Attached Images

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://bbcom.me/2Xv6FIu


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