HELP! trying to lose weight.

Hey everyone, this is my first time roaming the pages of, and to my surprise its actually pretty fascinating! I have YoYo dieted my whole life and with no prevail I am not losing weight, my husband like to say that my hobby is dieting. I hate that he thinks that way but in reality i understand what he is trying to say. I have been a bigger girl for awhile, when I was younger I did rodeo and I grew up on a ranch so I was pretty fit but ate whatever I wanted. Once I became an adult and couldnt afford that kind of lifestyle anymore all my muscle became fat, and I have tried ever since to lose it. I have a strong addiction to sweets so I know that its not helping me at all. I recently got a promotion at work so now I am confined to my desk and I just feel like I am really letting myself go. So here I am now venturing out to different websites and I came across this one hoping someone on here can help me with my dilemma. I have always wanted to try to count macros but holy cow it confuses me so much! I am currently 185 I am 5'6 and really dont know anything about lifting weights, I guess you can say if it comes down to working out I am a cardio bunny. I have spent thousands of dollars trying to lose the weight but I have come to the conclusion that it has to come from my heart, a change of mentality towards my weight loss I guess. Since I was younger I have always thought about competing in a bikini competition but I have always felt like I would never reach that goal, I am hoping with some of your guidance I can start on the right track. I am going to attach some photos so you guys can understand where I am starting at. Thanks for reading everyone!
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