Am I eating enough?

Hello, I'm new to this community and to fitness in general so I need a little advice from experienced people.

Warning! Long post ahead

Quick overview of myself:

I am a female 5'5 at a weight of 117 pounds. It sounds like a perfectly normal weight but I have more bodyfat than I used to and the problem areas are clearly visable now.
Like love handles, belly flap and squishy legs. Just overall very non-muscular and wobbly fat areas.

I have started exercising about 3 weeks ago.
I do 15 - 30 minutes 4-5 times a week. I shift between HIIT, Cardio, and bodyweight exercises. I already feel like my cardiovascular endurance is better, that's great. But otherwise I do not do any other exercises. I sit most of the day.
I have started to reduce and track calories only one week ago but I am not sure I am doing it right because I have absolutely no experience with ftness.
I use an app for tracking and my estimated calorie goal is 1250 kcal a day. It sounds like not much.

Problem is I can't track my actively burned calories properly because I use a non high end fitness tracker which is not 100% accurate at all. I can only guess.
So normally I eat around 1200 - 1300 kcal and burn around 200 - 300 kcal a day.
I have eaten on average 106g of carbs, 75g of protein and 50g of fat. I struggle a lot with low carb.

I think I am not eating enough based on calculations but it feels like it is enough to go about my day. If I eat very healthy I dont feel bad with this much.
I have to say that since college I have eaten very much over the last 3 years and I am glad I have not gained much weight, but sadly more fat.

No kidding, I used to make myself whole cakes like cheesecakes or chocolate and ate the whole thing in a day. I can eat anytime basically if I let myself. I ate whole cookie packages and chips by msyelf. And I ate every 2 hours because of "hunger" .
I am a stress eater, so college life has messed up my good habits.

Well, to get to the point finally, what would you advice me to do? I want to loose the fat and after that I want to tone my figure and look more defined afterwards.
How should I go about this?

Thanks all who made it this far!

from Forums - Nutrition

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