Can't Sleep While Bulking

I'm currently 19 years old, 6 feet tall, 150 lbs but when I started working out in October 2018 I was 130 lbs. From April 2019 until about 2-3 weeks ago, my dumb ass thought it was a good idea to cut after my initial 6 month bulk, not realizing my muscles were still very underdeveloped and cutting would only inhibit any progress. Anyway, I'm back to bulking now and already made back the weight I lost during my cut. My TDEE is about 2700 calories, so I'm eating a clean 3000. However, now I'm waking up 4-6 times every night (I fall back asleep in 5 minutes however). I remember this happening the first time I bulked and it actually stopped during my cut. I'm thinking it could be a metabolism or recovery thing because sometimes I wake up extremely hot or covered in sweat. However, I eat the last of my food for the day at around 7PM, so I'd think it would be settled by the time I'm in bed. Most of the time though I just wake up, use the bathroom, and fall back asleep, but that's also weird because I'm drinking the same amount of water as when I wasn't bulking. I'm only asking for help because I know how important sleep is for recovery and growth. Or do these short, 5 minute interruptions not do any harm (not counting the interruptions I still get 8-9 hours of sleep)? Any advice to help a newbie would be greatly appreciated.

from Forums - Nutrition

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