Questions about bulking

Hi, I am 16 years old and am interested in bulking soon. So I have been working out quite a bit and have put on a decent amount of muscle since I started for example I use to only be able to bench around 70 pounds when I first started and now can do around 135. I use to be fat and now I’d say I’m in pretty good shape but still a bit of stomach fat but I can still see abs through that sometimes. I want to check my body fat percentage soon but am on vacation at the time of posting this so I can’t. My question is how long should I be working out for a day when bulking? Do I gain a lot of fat when bulking? How long do I bulk for? Will I look more muscular near the end of bulking or will I just look fat? Then when I’m done bulking I guess people say I need to cut as well to reveal my new muscle and when doing that do I still lift weights or just do cardio? Thank you

from Forums - Nutrition

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