Meshing calorie counting and lifestyle

Hello all. Second thread today, on a bit of a roll but bear with me...

Am currently on a cut after bulking for a bit. I actually did four years in a human kinetics university, and understand nutrition reasonably well...its just been quite a while!

One thing I have trouble with is that my wife loves to cook, and while the food she makes goes a lot further now that I am cutting, I am having trouble calculating calories since she will generally fry up a big wok with veggies, maybe some chicken, and a touch of seasoning. Or make a big salad with veggies, sunflower seeds, etc.

Works well for us because it is healthy food, and it works for dinner, and lunch the next day (and maybe dinner the next evening depending on how much)

I do my best, but its tough to calculate exact calories when you have a serving spoon and a wok of cooked food in front of you... I know some measure and prep all their meals beforehand each wife would hate that, and I would suck at it and likely piss her off since she loves the cooking. She likes making healthy food. I know the real answer is to measure everything out beforehand and make portioned "meals", but that is tough with a busy schedule. I estimate as best I can and keep portions very small at the moment to hit my 2700 calorie mark daily.

Anyone have any tricks to mesh calorie counting and lifestyle?

from Forums - Nutrition

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