My biggest problem is diet; Advice please...

I feel like I am horrible about knowing what foods I should and should not ear. I have worked out most of my life, but generally always ate whatever I wanted and just stayed relatively thin in my younger years. I've always lifted, but not on a strict program of any sort - just in general. I've been running the AllPro routine the past few weeks (and really like it), but I don't feel like my diet is anywhere near where it needs to be and I feel like I'm just guessing on what foods I should be consuming. My goals are to add muscle and drop the spare tire I'm carrying around my midsection. This tire has gained tread as I've gotten further into my 40s. I'm 6'4" and about 240 lbs right now. Not sure about my body fat percentage, other than it's too high.

Here are a few of my issues/concerns:

1. I'm on the go a lot and have found it difficult to be home to eat healthy (rather than eating out, which gets both expensive and you just never know what additives are in those foods) and also haven't done well with preparing food in advance. Do most of you prepare meals in advance each week? Just looking for some pointers on this, if anyone has any.

2. I do better with an actual diet plan (some sort of guide as to what should be primarily consumed and/or avoided) rather than the "just eat based on your macros" approach. I have CrossFit friends who ear according to Paleo and some who follow The Zone diet. (I realize these are not necessary, per the stickies.)

3. My biggest problem is I can't just eat whatever anymore without ballooning in my midsection since I'm no longer in my 20s or 30s. I need structure and I need to be sure I'm getting healthy macros and not putting myself in a situation to have to swing in a fast food joint because I haven't eaten and have no time for anything else.

4. One question I still have is whether or not it's necessary to strive to have at least some protein at each meal. For example, can I just have oatmeal for breakfast or should I add in some eggs or turkey bacon to increase the protein consumed in that meal?

6. Is it best to avoid artificial sweeteners? I'm a coffee drinker and use cream and Splenda in my coffee. Is it probably best to drop these things ?

5. Any tips or advice anyone can provide will be very helpful. I appreciate it.

from Forums - Nutrition

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