Bulking / Cutting / Shredding HELP PLEASE

Hey guys, okay so ive been trying to figure this out myself for a few weeks and i am beat and ima just ask for help.
So ive been working out for like 3 years first 2 i didnt take it very seriously and i started off very very weak and scrawny, the past few months ive been finally eating a lot and i went from 125 pounds to 146 pounds (dirty bulk around 3k-4k calories a day) ( i know its alot of fat). my arms are way bigger my shoulders are wide back shredded sort of, chest is kinda squisshy even when flexing, and abs are undefined af. i know its from dirty bulking, clean didnt work out however i did eat like 2k clean and rest dirty. anyways my lifts went up by alot i press like 45-50 now i can chest press 45 plates finally and i know its not alot but believe me a few months or a year ago i would have never imagined.

ANYWAYS i now want to lose fat eat clean and get shredded now to do so ive heard you have to eat at a deficit but the problem is I DONT want to loose the mass, i am 19 years old 146 pounds around 5'9 i am also somewhat active (intense gym workouts) and walking around campus. im not sure what my BMR is but how can i get shredded have a nice chest and abs. do i have to eat clean at a deficit or eat my maintance calories but clean and workout intensly. ( i dont want to bulk anymore i dont want to get that much bigger). i honestly do not know what to do please help. i want to have all muscle low body fat percentage. get that veiny shredded look


from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://bbcom.me/2wcQ9O4

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