Broken Finger - What Now (Asking again)

Hi guys,

didnt get much response on my last post and I really would appreciate advice. Will REP all of you.

I have a goal of reaching 180 lbs. I broke my finger which makes it virtually impossible to do anything but legs and some machines. Yes, I have tried to grasp things and it hurts so I am not trying to injure myself further. I was doing fierce 5 so that is out the window for about 4 weeks until my finger is healed (according to doctor). I have been going to gym 3x a week and doing things like: lunges, squats with kettlebell, jump squats, leg curls, calves, flys with machine, sit ups. I cannot do much else.

My question is
1) Should I be doing these leg workouts and abs and what not more than 3x a week or is that too much to work out my legs?
2) Continue to bulk normally or eat less bc less body parts being worked out? I REALLY want to reach my goal so I am skeptical to stop bulking :(


from Forums - Nutrition

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