Problem with decreased libido

Hey guys,
I am 16 y.o., 6' and 150 pounds/68 kgs, and about 15-16% bf. I am working out for almost a year but on March I decided to diet down(I know that it wasn't right but it was kinda neccesary), because I was pretty fatty and I wanted to cut it down. It was about 3 months in a cut. I ended it about a month ago.
That means that I am slowly putting calories on, and I am actually that whole putting weight on, so I am trying to be in a low calorie surplus to be lean bulking but I have pretty big problem with my libido.
I mean it pretty serious so I hope noone will make fun of it. Before I started cutting down, I guess I was pretty normal teen with libido/sex drive. But until I started that diet and it is still going I still don't have it like nothing. (Nothing is like sexy for me, I don't care if someone is atractive or not, I just don't, and masturbation is really last thing what I think about).
So even when I am in calorie surplus it is still away and I am a bit scared about it and about my testosterone levels. Could lower testosteron levels lower my gains?
> Should I eat more even that I will gain fat or I should see doctor with this? <

from Forums - Nutrition

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