My Energy Dense Diet

This is just an example of what I eat. It ensures you get adequate nutrients and you always have enough energy to get you through the day, without relying on stimulates. The main source of energy is carbohydrates.

Age: 19
Height: 5;11 or 182cm
Weight: 71KG or 156lb

Breakfast: 1480 Calories for breakfast

1/HalfCup Frozen Mangos (180 calories)
1 Banana Medium (100 calories)
1TBSP Honey (60 Calories)

1Cup Steel Cut Oats (600 Calories) (note: this is 1cup of uncooked oats, which equals way more cooked)
1TBSP Brown Sugar (35 calories)
1 Cup Almond Milk (35 calories)
1 TBSP Butter Cooked into Oats (100 calories)

4 Eggs Organic Free Range (270 calories)
1 TBSP Butter used to fry eggs (100 calories)

Morning Tea 500 calories for morning tea

5 Medium Sized Bananas or 3-4 Large ones or about 10 small bananas. Should get about 500 calories

Lunch 775 calories for lunch
Beans, beans, beans, and rice. I always change up the beans, but for this day I did Kidney beans.

1 Cup Kidney Beans cooked (225 Calories)
1 Cup Rice Cooked (250 Calories)
Chicken Thighs (250 Calories) (note: Should be able 30 grams of protein and 15 grams of fat. I'm not big on **** load of protein. Personally I think carbs are more important)
Half TBSP Ghee (50 calories) (note: I always make a big pot of beans and there is always a few tablespoons of ghee cooked into it, so this is an estimate)

Afternoon Tea
Fruit, fruit, fruit please. Ill give 2 examples. Should try and get around 400-600 calories for afternoon tea. High caloric and high sugar fruit is a must

1 WHOLE Large Pineapple (450 calories)

or 3 Large Mangos or about 6 small ones

Dinner: It varies everyday. Sometimes I come home and have some soup. Sometimes I have some more fruit. I like to cook, so I try all different types of cusines. SOmetimes I cook Indian or THai, sometimes I just make burgers, sometimes a simple stir fry. Often some suish made with Wild Salmon. The calories of my dinner can vary heaps, but Ill do one example I had the other night, which was quite caloric dense. I had a stew, made with chuck steak. Please note I am not including calories for the sauce, cream, spices etc. I CBF. Chuck steak is quite fatty so it is caloric dense. I also had some potatoes with it, there was mushrooms in the stew also, cbf including those calories. This is just an example. Dinner was about 800 calories, we will round it up to that.

Chuck steak (420 calories, about 30 grams protein, 30 grams fat)
2 Large Potatoes (300 calories)

Extras: 5 Cups Coconut Water (240 calories) (Note: I always drink lots of coconut water throughout the day. A cup has about 10 grams of sugar, so you get a tiny boost from it and it is so much tastier and satisfying then water. It also contains about 500mg of Potassium per cup, which is as much as a large Banana. I always feel way more hydrated from this then water and it doesn't all just get pissed out, which happens a lot when I drink water. I also use to drink more water, but our council decided to be ****ing ****s and pollute our water with chlorine, even though it didn't need it. I've got a filter, but it still tastes contaminated to me, so I don't drink it. Also about a cup of coconut water goes into the morning smoothie, maybe more.)

Total: 4245 Calories

Cronometer screenshot attached: Please note I hadn't included my afternoon fruit snack thats why the calories are lower
Attached Images

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