How would you critique my diet?

Some background info: I'm 26, 6'0 tall, 132.8 lbs. I'm currently trying to lose a few body fat percentages while gaining and maintaining muscle. My priority is gaining and maintaining muscle, not losing body fat though. About 8 months ago, i began eating 174g protein, 261g carbs, and 65g fat daily. The last couple of months, I have been eating the same amount of protein and carbs while decreasing daily fat intake to around 25-35g daily. I do a Bro Split, Upper/Lower Split. I do a Lower day, followed by an Upper day, followed by a Rest day, and repeat, usually working out 4 days a week. I work as a server 2-3 days a week and walk around 5-6 hours on those days. My daily diet usually goes like this: from 5 am-8/9 pm, i try to eat a small meal every 2 hours. about 20g of protein and 30g of carbs each time. I drink grape juice and protein shakes, and eat whole grain brown rice, grilled chicken, beef jerky, protein bars, bananas, broccoli and prunes. I consume 30g protein and 80g carbs (30 of which are sugar from fruit or fruit juice) within 30 mins of finishing a workout.

from Forums - Nutrition


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