Contradictory protein calculation methods

Hi all,

I had started trying to build muscle quite some time ago and had one session with a PT who tried to give me a nutrition plan. Based on some BMR calculations he reckoned I needed 3300 calories per day. Then for macro split he said 40 40 20 carbs protein and fat. Fine so this works out at 334g of protein a day. Then I get the curve ball that my protein target should be 1g per lb of body weight and no more than that, now I weighed 175 lbs at the time so 175g of protein is the new number. That's roughly 20 percent nowhere near 40!
I started looking online and everywhere has the same thing, calculate protein intake from calories and macro split, but then later in the same articles this g per lb bodyweight guide appears with a completely different result!! Needless to say I've ignored it all and gone on calories only and not bothered with macros at all and I'm doing fine but I'm curious what you guys do to resolve this contradictory "advice"?

from Forums - Nutrition


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