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Somewhat lost with nutrition and need advice

Hey, I'm 21 and I've been lifting weights on and off for 3 years and easily the biggest thing I've struggled with is diet. Not that I lack discipline, but rather I'm always sort of uneasy and unsure what to do. I'm current 5'8", 150lb and would consider myself in the intermediate stage, my 1 rep bench range rn is in the 200lb range. Since summer started I've been hitting the gym 5 days a week and I'm enjoying the results. I'm very dedicated about eating 160g of protein a day, but other than that I don't really track calories or anything as I have in the past and it just wasn't really sustainable.

I'd love to have a 6 pack which I've never had, but my primary goal right now is just building muscle, that being said, I want to avoid getting chubby at all costs. Ontop of my 160g of protein a day I reckon I'm in the 2000-2500 calorie range, so I'm probably at a maintenance and wondering how I can be most efficient in my muscle building goals. I've sort of stagnated for the past year, but I also have had multi month long gaps in my fitness training which has absolutely set me back. I'm deploying soon so I'll have access to a full cafeteria and gym and I'm 100% committed to building my body as best as I can. Also I'm pretty erratic on what time of day I'm eating. I'm always sure to get 30+g of protein before or after a workout, but otherwise I just sorta play it by ear, sometimes wait a long time to eat then eat a big meal at 7pm and snack until 10-11pm.

Sorry if this is sort of scrambled, I feel that I have the weight lifting portion down, I just need a concrete plan for my diet to fully commit to. I've attached some files of my body I took today if that helps at all. Thanks homies!
Attached Images

from Forums - Nutrition

Strides Pharma arm signs pacts for sale of Australian business to Arrow Pharma

The company said it expects the transaction to close on or around July 10, 2019.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Alembic Pharma gets USFDA nod for seizure treatment drug

The approved product is therapeutically equivalent to the reference listed drug Klonopin orally disintegrating tablets of Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

High Salt Intake May Up Chances Of Bloating: Study

Additionally, the study also found that high-fiber DASH diet increased bloating among trial participants compared to a low-fiber control diet.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Help me Build a Meal Plan With the Same Meals Every Day

Hi all,

First post here. I am looking for advice to put together a meal plan where I can eat the same meals every day with the goal of loosing weight. I am 27yo, 6' 260 lbs.

I am looking to do this because I struggle to find the time to cook and shop so I end up eating out and buying a premade sandwich for lunch a lot. Being able to cook once or twice a week and freeze the food would be helpful. I want to keep things as simple as possible to help with that. I eat 4 times a day, breakfast, a snack between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner. Due to my work situation I am stuck with what I pack to eat for breakfast, a snack and lunch so its easy to stick to a diet for those meals if I plan ahead and pack that, so I'd like to have a pretty extreme calorie deficit by the time I get to dinner in case the temptation to cheat is too great or I have dinner plans with family where I can't dictate what is prepared. I'd like to have a meal plan where each meal of the day is different, but I eat the same breakfast, snack, and lunch every day and if I am not out for dinner, I can use those same foods as a base to prepare something quick for dinner. My main concern is making sure the meals I prepare do not set me up to be deficient in some micro nutrient.

Thanks for any advice.

from Forums - Nutrition

Putting on Weight:

Weight: 57kg
Height: 5'7
Goal:60kg in 3 months
My goal is to put on 3 kg in 3 months, i'm a hard gainer.... also i work quite a physical job sometimes walking up to 12km at work. So i burn a lot of calories.
Here's might diet plan for the next 3 months: At work i can't heat up food so or lunch i have to have something i can eat fast and eat cold.

3 eggs
3 weatbixes
or 60grams of oats

4 chicken tenders put in a rap
1 mandarin
2 choc chip muffins

Prework out:
Pasta meal

Post workout:
150grams of rice with either chicken or sausages
Weight gainer Shake

200grams of rice with steak, chicken or sausages.

Using my fitness pal: Calorie intake: 3300

If you guys have any tips on what i can add or remove to improve my weight gain please comment:
Also should i weight myself at the start of the week like Monday morning and wait a week to weigh myself again, or weigh yourself everyday?

from Forums - Nutrition

Help on what to do from here....

Hello all, I’m not new to the forum but I am new to posting so if this is in the wrong place please let me know. Overall, I’ve made a lot of progress in my fitness journey but am struggling on where to go from this point forward. I’ll be providing pictures (if I can figure out how to w/ the 50 post minimum) and background info to assist. Also, sorry for the long post... just want to provide as much information as possible.

I never played sports and was always pretty heavy growing up, and I never touched a weight until I was 16 (just messing around, no consistent diet/program). By the time I was 17 I was definitely one hefty dude and was 203 pounds (I’m 5’10). At this point I decided to try my first real attempt at weight loss and did the worst possible thing I could for my body... I was eating 500 calories, mostly from protein, with small servings of vegetables and no fat. I saw quite a bit of weight loss with this and eventually upped my intake to 1200 calories but the protocol was essentially the same: high protein, very few carbs (just small amounts of vegetables and fruits), and very little fat. I was 160 pounds, but looked absolutely awful and I was going to the gym 5 times per week doing heavy lifting at this point. I wasn’t sure why I still looked like I hadn’t been within a 500 mile radius of a gym in my life despite working out and dieting down to that weight. This, on top of some other issues, led me to seek out a blood test just to see if anything was going on. As it turns out, I had the testosterone levels of an 80 year old man with one testicle. I considered this to be the nail in the coffin because... you know... testosterone... and I essentially have everything up and adapted some pretty unhealthy habits. One of these habits caused uncontrollable hunger (if ya get what I’m saying). I ballooned up again and by March of 2018 I was sitting at around 230 pounds with low testosterone and very minimal muscle mass. I hated how I looked and wanted to make a huge change.

March 2018 picture:

After that, I got a lot more serious as time progressed and slowly started to adapt a more lifestyle. I started getting my fats in, set a good protein goal (1 LB per pound works well for me because I feel satiated), and started taking in more carbs while expanding my sources of carbs from just broccoli and berries to a variety of fruits and vegetables. I started using the gym much more and adopted a much better program that seemed to pay off on top of adding in cardio sessions throughout the week (a few 20 minute sessions of sprinting/walking or a couple 30-45 minute sessions of less intense cardio). My current program looks like this (I neglect legs, don’t worry... something I plan to start working on)

Workout One:
Flat Bench Press: 5 x 5-6
Incline DB Press: 5 x 8-12
Pec Fly Machine: 5 x 12
Cable Flies: 4-5 x 10-12
Seated Shoulder Press: 5 x 6-8
Military Press (more of a burnout): 2 x 8
Lateral raises: 4 x 12-15
Front raises: 4 x 12-15
Dips: 4 x 10

Workout Two:
Hammer Chins : 5 to near failure
Lat Pulldown: 5 x 8-12
Superset with standing pullovers: 12 reps
Low Row: 5 x 8-12
Rope Pull: 5 x 12-15
Standing BB bicep curls: 4 x 8-10
Cable Curls: 3 x 10

Workout 3 (combination of chest / back / arm work)

Flat Bench : 5 x 5-6
Incline DB: 5 x 8-12
Cable Flies: 5 x 12
Lat Pulldown: 4 x 8-12
Same superset as above
Hammer grip lat Pulldown: 2 x 8-10
Low Row: 5 x 8-12
Standing Barbell curls: 4 x 8-10
Superset with dips: 10 reps

When I do legs here and there...
Squat: 5 x 5
Deadlift: 5x 5-6
Leg Press: 5 x 8-12
Hamstring Curls: 4 x 10-12
Quad machine (dont know the name, my b): 4 x 10-12
Calf raises: 4 x 12-15

I do these workouts four times per week in the order listed above. If I don’t do legs (usually don’t) I cycle back to the first. Schedule differs depending on the week... sometimes it’s 4 days in a row, sometimes it’s 2 days on 2 days off, sometimes it’s 3 days on then 1 day off. Either way, I go a max of 4 times per week to allow myself some recovery time. So far... so good.

My diet since April has been to try to lean out (summer, I know I’m kind of small):
1,650 calories
Always getting 145 grams of protein minimum, sometimes go over depending on what else I’ve eaten
Fats: 70g
Carbs: always try to stay below 110 grams
Honestly, I don’t think my body handles carbs very well, and it definitely does not do well with grains. Even on low calories my face will puff up depending on what carbs I’m eating.... maybe a food allergy (having bloodwork to see about some issues next week). I’m going to post a picture after I get this done of myself now, but I’m currently hovering at 145-148 pounds but I’m leaner / stronger than I’ve ever been. I now have pretty decent vascularity and some good definition in my abdominal muscles. Also my testosterone has improved greatly and is now in the high end range for my age (almost 20 years old). Again, my question is where do I go from here? I know a lot of the answers will likely be to bulk, but I’m honestly nervous about bulking. Like I said, I don’t seem to handle carbs well and seem to have some water retention issues and I know bulking comes with that... it sucks to see what I’ve done be ruined by having a fat/puffy looking face (almost instantly changes how I look in the face/abdominal region). Also, I know that bulking comes with some fat gain and that doesn’t worry me too much, but I’m very worried about putting on too much fat and looking like I once did or close to it. The reason I fear this so much is because, like I said, I was pretty hefty up until recently and I wouldn’t be shocked if my body was more susceptible to fat gain than other people. Trust me, I want to gain muscle and get bigger... just not fat. I think I know a decent bit about cutting and leaning out, but I know nothing about how to bulk appropriately with the concerns / circumstances that I have (I suspect I may have a thyroid issue / slow metabolism / as I’ve said carb intolerance). I will find out the medical stuff soon but until then... any advice? Thank you all for taking the time to read this and it means a lot... hope to hear some feedback soon. (photos to come...hopefully)

from Forums - Nutrition

45-60 min walking per much does it increase TDEE?

I’m already lifting 5-6x per week and eating at a deficit. If I add 45-60 min of walking daily should I increase my calories and if so, how much?

My stats are 5’9 ~180. Maintenance is probably 2600-2700 without the cardio and just the lifting. I’m currently eating 2000 calories.

from Forums - Nutrition

Food Faceoff: Japanese Finals

These 9 Japanese dishes received 4 or more votes in yestedays' Semis.

Please choose your 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place choices:




Gyusuji Nikomi

Hiroshima Yaki




from Forums - Nutrition

Caloric intake calculation

What is the best way to calculate your maintenance caloric intake ??? Cause all websites give me different answer and so does the In Body machine? So if you know a reliable method it would be really helpful

from Forums - Nutrition

Making up calories?

Hi! So yesterday I went to a birthday party, hung out and ate a ton of fruit and cookies and some cake. I probably had almost 2000 extra calories and was feeling pretty gross after.
This morning I decided to use that extra energy weightlifting at the gym, and today I've eaten under 500 calories to try to make up for all the extra sugar and calories I had yesterday. I wasn't even really hungry today honestly, probably because I walked for a long time (cardio tends to suppress my appetite) and it's hot.
Is this okay? Did my work at the gym today pay off? I'm going back to what I normally eat tomorrow. I lost 35 pounds since January and now I just want to build muscle... figuring out calories is tough and I'm eating at a slight surplus for muscle growth, but I'm scared of gaining a lot of fat instead of muscle.

from Forums - Nutrition

Cutting - calories on a deload

Hi guys. Been cutting for 6 weeks. Going well but body is feeling it so was going to have a deload next week. When on a cut on a deload should I keep to my cutting calories or raise to maintenance? Thanks in advance

from Forums - Nutrition

Hi from belgium, I need some advice concerning Calories intake/losing weight

Hi there!

So i'm abit confused about how much calories i have to eat to lose weight and maintain muscle.

Here is how my days look like

20 Miles / day bike ride 5to7days/7 -> its about 1100-1250 calories a day depending on head or tail wind
about 17.000 steps / day
and I train weights 4 times a week.

So my calculation is that to maintain weight i'd need about 3500 calories every day because i burn calories from my bike rides,
I don't include the 17k, and have no idea how much 1h of weight training burns.

so to lose weight and maintain muscle how much would you guys advise me to eat ?
Or is my calculation just way off ?

Any help or tips would be appreciated
Sorry for any grammar mistakes ;)

Kind regards,

from Forums - Nutrition

Ready to bulk, but confused

Hey guys! I have been cutting for a while now, and I am ready to bulk. I would like to try to stay as lean as possible, and I have a few questions. I am an 18 year old male, 5’7” and 140 pounds. I plan on doing the fierce five routine, with cardio on my off days. I was wondering whether I should be eating around 2300 calories/day, which is slightly over where I think my maintenance is currently, based on my slower metabolism, or around 2700, which is slightly over my calculated maintenance and where my maintenance was when I began my cut. Also, should I change the amount of calories I eat based on my workouts? And how large of a calorie surplus would you recommend? And advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

from Forums - Nutrition

Should I cut or bulk?

I'm 17.5 y old, 1.8m and 66kg, I know that sounds pretty skinny (I'm skinny-fat), I've been cutting now for month and a half, and I lost only like 3kg, I stayed basically the same as I was... The reason I'm cutting rn is because that's my last summer before I join the army (and although most people think I'll workout like crazy there, I won't, I'll be seating all day in front of a computer probably without access/time for the gym)
So basically I go to the beach a lot and wanted to look a bit ripped, which didn't really work...
Now summer will end in about 3 months, is there any way to look good or better somehow?

from Forums - Nutrition

India asks its states not to partner with Philip Morris-funded foundation

India's federal health ministry has sent a letter, dated June 24, to chief secretaries of all states, saying they should not partner with Foundation for a Smoke-Free World.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Slums in Jharkhand to get Mohalla Clinics like Delhi

Taking a cue from the Delhi government, the Raghubar Das government plans to start "Mohalla Clinics" that will offer free medical care to people living in slums in Jharkhand.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Lack of appetite effecting my gaining

I work out almost every day from home, mostly dumbbell & barbell style workouts as that’s all I have at home no machines. I’m only about 165 pounds 5”11, 22 y/o with little body fat. I’ve always had an extremely high metabolism and have struggled with appetite issues, I’m worried I’m not going to continue gaining from where I am now if I can’t find a way to stimulate my appetite in order to eat more. Even when I was in the military working out twice a day I struggled with weight gain and only ever reached about 170lbs max, I’ve heard of appetite stimulating supplements and I’m curious if they work or not as I’m desperate to get to around 180-185 while staying lean like I am. Only supplements I currently use are pre-workout and protein powders. Id like to avoid most unnatural supplements to gain besides what I take now, any help is really appreciated!

from Forums - Nutrition

This 5-Ingredient Protein-Rich Grilled Sandwich May Help You In Your Weight Loss Journey

What makes this sandwich weight-loss-friendly is the presence of high protein and fibre-rich fillings. Grilled chicken and zucchini are the two prime ingredients that make this sandwich wholesome and...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Food Faceoff: Japanese Semis

These are the top 12 Japanese dishes/etc of the week, please choose up to 6 for the Finals tomorrow:





Gyusuji Nikomi


Hiroshima Yaki


from Forums - Nutrition

Does diet have an affect on acne?

Is there any studies that show diet has an impact on acne? I have had some mild acne for a while now and just wondering if nutrition can play a big part in preventing or removing acne? For example cutting out sugar or carbs?

from Forums - Nutrition

Binge eating disorder

I think I have an eating disorder, things have gotten out of control. I’m an amateur boxer and spent about a year weighing 85/86kg this was my fight weight. It took effort maintain through dieting and training but it was manageable and I feel as though I was comfortable there but probably the lighter end of what my body could cope with, I was lean. Earlier this year I dropped a weight class for a fight at 79kg... bad idea, this was achieved by an extremely low cal diet and overtraining, I felt starving hungry and low on energy all the time, I was cold more often than not and my sex dive plummeted, I realised this was bad and I took a break from boxing after the fight. Needless to say I let myself pig out after the many months of being in a deficit, I thought I’d get back up to where my weight was before and that would be enough of a break, how wrong I was. Three months later I’m now 93kg and whatever I do I can’t seem to satiate my hunger, I crave all sorts of junk food and seem to always be eating, I just don’t let myself get hungry no more. The thing is in the past I was so good at being disciplined but I just can’t seem to do it anymore, every time I tell myself that I’ll stop this I just start again, I just want to know what I can do to get my eating under control before I become a fat mess. I know a lot of people will read this and just say, use some will power and stop being fat but I just can’t I feel controlled by my hunger and compelled to eat, anyone else been in this situation before and got advice? Any bodybuilders post cut that struggled? Anyone at all?

from Forums - Nutrition

Can't Sleep While Bulking

I'm currently 19 years old, 6 feet tall, 150 lbs but when I started working out in October 2018 I was 130 lbs. From April 2019 until about 2-3 weeks ago, my dumb ass thought it was a good idea to cut after my initial 6 month bulk, not realizing my muscles were still very underdeveloped and cutting would only inhibit any progress. Anyway, I'm back to bulking now and already made back the weight I lost during my cut. My TDEE is about 2700 calories, so I'm eating a clean 3000. However, now I'm waking up 4-6 times every night (I fall back asleep in 5 minutes however). I remember this happening the first time I bulked and it actually stopped during my cut. I'm thinking it could be a metabolism or recovery thing because sometimes I wake up extremely hot or covered in sweat. However, I eat the last of my food for the day at around 7PM, so I'd think it would be settled by the time I'm in bed. Most of the time though I just wake up, use the bathroom, and fall back asleep, but that's also weird because I'm drinking the same amount of water as when I wasn't bulking. I'm only asking for help because I know how important sleep is for recovery and growth. Or do these short, 5 minute interruptions not do any harm (not counting the interruptions I still get 8-9 hours of sleep)? Any advice to help a newbie would be greatly appreciated.

from Forums - Nutrition

Post cheat meal

So today I did my weekly cheat meal, but I went out to a restaurant instead of making it myself. At home I had shredded wheat and peanutbutter for breakfast, and for the cheat meal I had shrimp+grits and a milkshake. I’m cutting right now, so do I continue to eat as planned for the rest of the day or don’t eat again or just have a snack? I’m not worried about the cheat meal I just want to know if I should eat again!

from Forums - Nutrition

Is two glasses of soy milk per day safe?

Hello there,

I was wondering if about 2 two glasses (half a liter) of soy milk per day was ok for men?


from Forums - Nutrition

Did I gain 3kg fat in one month??

Hi guys!

I weighed about 68,6kg before Ramadan began (4 May´). I didn't have a sixpack but I looked good shirtless, I weighed in at 66.7 30 days later (3rd June). I didn't lift for those 30 days.

I started to bulk again on 5 June (weight 66.7). I weighed in at 70.1 ( 24 days later so 29 June)

70.1-66.7= 3.4kg. Does this mean that I have gained 3.4kg in a single month? I try to gain 0.3-0.5kg in a single month to gain muscle and not too much fat.

Help would be much appreciated!!!!!

Thank you

from Forums - Nutrition

Thoughts on doing Keto?

Just want to hear your general opinions on a Keto diet? Are there any specific benefits to doing it or is it worth even trying?

from Forums - Nutrition

Confused about "sugar free" lifestyle

Hey guys, I want to know what does it take to live "sugar free"?

Does this only include added sugar or do I have to avoid fruits as well in order to get the no sugar benefits?
I've read carbs are also turned into sugar inside the body. So is carbs = sugar? And what does it mean when a food label says 20g carbs on it of which 6g are sugar?

I don't use added sugar anymore in my food and try to avoid it as much as possible in grocery store bought food.
But I still eat fruits like apples and bananas which also have sugar.

So which kind of sugar is unhealthy and makes you fat? Do you have to avoid all sugar or just the added one? I am a bit confused.


from Forums - Nutrition

Rate my diet for fat loss?

Alright so I have been working out for a while now but today onwards I hired a trainer to teach me proper form and techniques. Boy was I exhausted from learning the right movements even on something as simple as a pushup!

Anyways back to the point, I am 6ft tall (183 cm) at 136 KG of weight (42% bodyfat!)

Now my primary aim is to shed all that fat to bring it down well below 15% and my training aspect is pretty much in the hands of my coach. But as far as nutrition is concerned I am trying to work on it as well.

My daily marcos kind of look like this (I am still figuring out the right combination) 140 Grams Protein, 100 Grams Mono Unsaturated Fats & maximum of 50 grams of Carbs (Divided pre and post workout)

Most of my protein comes from whole eggs, chicken and casein protein (I apparently have 5 tubs of ON Casein I got as a gift) whereas my fats are mostly egg yolks, walnuts, avocado and coconut oil.

I intend to divide my Macros amongst 3 main meals and 2 snacks. How can I improve on this diet and are my macros right?

from Forums - Nutrition

Indian Cooking Hacks: Keep These Tips Handy While Cooking With Milk

Milk is delicious and creamy and it's this quality of this nutritious beverage that makes it so popular. However, it is also extremely perishable and you may want to use it with caution.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Watch: Nutritious Gluten-Free Flaxseed Barfi Recipe For Your Post-Workout Cravings

One of the best examples of healthy, gluten-free desserts made from flax seeds is this barfi recipe from YouTube chef Manjula Jain.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Watch: Shilpa Shetty Brings Together 2 Superfoods In This Summer Salad Recipe

Shilpa Shetty caught our fancy yet again with a healthy recipe that contains not one, but two of the most popular superfoods around- quinoa and avocado.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Can Genetic Potential Be This Low?

Hi everyone,

I started lifting and eating for muscle growth three years ago, and have been very consistent about it, save a 6-month break due to illness. I'm a little shy about posting pictures, but I find the results very disappointing. I've been at a plateau in the past few months, carefully increasing calories to get past it, but recently my nutritionist told me that he thinks I'm nearing the end of my genetic potential. I found this devastating, because to be frank, had I known this was as far as I'm going to get, I don't think I would have even started in the first place. Still, I find it surprising that anyone's genetic potential could be this low. Maybe I was wrong to buy into the hype that "anyone can have an amazing physique if they just put their mind to it". Maybe that's just PC bull after all?

Here are some stats:

Height: 5' 7"

JUN 2016 (Starting out):
Weight: 131 lb
Body Fat: 15%
Arms: 12"

[6 months bulking, 6 months off due to illness, then 1 year of bulking]

AUG 2018:
Weight: 160 lb
Body Fat: 18%
Arms: 14"

[6 months cutting]

FEB 2019:
Weight: 130lb
Body Fat: 9%
Arms: 13.2"

[5 months bulking]

Weight: 140lb
Body Fat: 11%
Arms: 13.8"

I think my lifts are pretty decent:
Bench Press: 145lb (x8 reps)
Squat: 240lb incl. bar (x8 reps) - I know it might seem like a lot, I have very strong legs though, in all exercises.
Shoulder Press: 60lb dumbbells (x8 reps)

I'm currently at 3000 cals, 156g of protein per day.

So my questions is - do you think it's possible that someone's genetic potential is really that low?

from Forums - Nutrition

Malaika Arora Grabs Delicious But Nutritious Lunch During Her New York Vacay (See Pic)

Malaika Arora has been indulging in lip-smacking food during her New York vacation.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Recipe Video: Make Sweet Samosa With Healthy Fruits Filling For Kids

Not only you will make samosa sweeter but you will also make it healthier for your children

from NDTV Food - Latest

Meal Frequency and Bulking

I have heard various opinions regarding this topic so I wanted to hear your'e thoughts aswell.

(I need 100 grams of protein a day, Bulking with a Slow Metabolism)


1. Does It matter if I eat 2,3,4,5,6 or more meals per day and does that mean I need to split the protein equal the more meals I eat? (5 meals = 20 gram of protein per meal? or it doesnt matter as long as I eat 100 grams of protein at the end of the day?)

2. Does it matter the time you wait between each meal? 2,3,4,5,6 hours or more? (again I have slow metabolism)

3. Do you need to eat more Protein/Carbs/Calories post workout?

4. Can 5 meals mean 3 meals with Protein and 2 "snack meals" without protein? (In other words does every meal have to contain protein in it?)

from Forums - Nutrition

I need help with my diet, quick question.

So, I usually eat between 1500-2000 calories a day. I'm 5'8 and 133LBS, i'm an 18 year old male.

Today, I went to a buffet with my family and easily ate maybe 3000 calories. My question is, realistically speaking how much weight will I put on?

I run daily, I also run up a flight of stairs 60 times (Up and down, I know it's retarded),I also use the dumbells for like an hour and I do 50 sit ups.

from Forums - Nutrition

HELP! trying to lose weight.

Hey everyone, this is my first time roaming the pages of, and to my surprise its actually pretty fascinating! I have YoYo dieted my whole life and with no prevail I am not losing weight, my husband like to say that my hobby is dieting. I hate that he thinks that way but in reality i understand what he is trying to say. I have been a bigger girl for awhile, when I was younger I did rodeo and I grew up on a ranch so I was pretty fit but ate whatever I wanted. Once I became an adult and couldnt afford that kind of lifestyle anymore all my muscle became fat, and I have tried ever since to lose it. I have a strong addiction to sweets so I know that its not helping me at all. I recently got a promotion at work so now I am confined to my desk and I just feel like I am really letting myself go. So here I am now venturing out to different websites and I came across this one hoping someone on here can help me with my dilemma. I have always wanted to try to count macros but holy cow it confuses me so much! I am currently 185 I am 5'6 and really dont know anything about lifting weights, I guess you can say if it comes down to working out I am a cardio bunny. I have spent thousands of dollars trying to lose the weight but I have come to the conclusion that it has to come from my heart, a change of mentality towards my weight loss I guess. Since I was younger I have always thought about competing in a bikini competition but I have always felt like I would never reach that goal, I am hoping with some of your guidance I can start on the right track. I am going to attach some photos so you guys can understand where I am starting at. Thanks for reading everyone!
Attached Images

from Forums - Nutrition

Timing refers days

So I’m thinking about bumping my calories up by 100 a day from 2300 to 2400. Instead of doing 100 a day, I was thinking of doing two 350 surplus days.

Should these 350 calorie surplus days be the day before my tougher workout?

Sunday-350 surplus
Monday- heavy day
Wednesday- light day
Thursday- 350 surplus
Friday- medium day
Saturday off.

Or should I have the surplus day on the day of the workout? I workout at 5 am so food consumed would all be post workout.

from Forums - Nutrition

Food Faceoff: Japanese 5

10 Japanese dishes/etc are posted below.

Please choose up to 6 that you like:






from Forums - Nutrition

Alcohol on a refeed day or day after

Hi guys. Been cutting for 5 weeks. Having my first refeed this weekend. I am going out for a meal and some drinks tomorrow. Would it make sense to have my refeed tomorrow and use alcohol as some of my cals or try and stick to cut calories tomorrow and have my refeed the day after alcohol?

Thanks in advance

from Forums - Nutrition

Are my macros off? Feel like I'm having trouble losing weight

I've been having trouble losing weight, even though I try to aim for less than 1900 calories per day.

My body fat is 24.88% (measured with calipers - Jackson/Pollack 3-site method)
Currently, my body weight is 180.2 lbs.

Goals are to reduce my body fat percentage and build lean muscle.

I've been working out for the past 8 months, but haven't made any strength gains in the gym. I've just recalculated my macros, but not sure if it is right because the calories seem kind of high.

Total Calories per day: 1870
Carbs per day: 176.8g
Protein per day: 169g
Fat per day: 54.1g
Fiber per day: 36-45g

Would really appreciate any advice on this because reading all the guides online are very confusing since they have different information, such as calculating based on ratios, instead of minimums.

from Forums - Nutrition

Bulking on 2700 calories

So right now i am bulking on Approx. 2700 calories where my diet consists of 5 meals a day containing total of approximately 120 grams of protein , 400 grams of Carbs and 75 grams of Fats , I hit the gym 5 time a week and i am a kind of a hard gainer so i wanna know if my nutrition plan is good to go??

from Forums - Nutrition

Does number of meals matters ?

Hey i have a question. I eat classic 3 meals a day and im counting calories. But many times i visiting friends,family and they have a lot of good stuff to eat :D but i always stick to my 3 meals. So my question is - is it bad to have sometimes "snack" day when you eat for example like all the day, i mean lets say i have breakfast, then 2 hours later i have some fruits, then hour later some meat etc. just have many foods per day ... of course i will track my macros but you know , is it ok to have this snacky days ?

from Forums - Nutrition

maintenance Calories feeling bloated

Im 183cm high,79.2kg weight and 23 years old,8-10% bodyfat.I started 3 days ago to hit 2800 calories that i calculated are my maintenance calories,350g carbs,210g protein and 62g fat.I hit them correctly all this days but i feel bloated,having gasses and not lean anymore as before,im going to gym 6 days a week and have 3 cardio sessions for 30 minutes.I want to try this for 2 weeks and maybe to gain lean mass a little,any suggestions weather i should eat 3000 calories or to minimise the bloating,i think my body is not good with the carbs and accepts more better the fats.

from Forums - Nutrition

Diabetes Diet: Eat This Karela/Bitter Gourd Meal To Manage Blood Sugar Levels

Karela contains plenty of health-giving characteristics, anoint it as a must-have food in our regular diet.Karela is especially recommended for diabetes patients as its properties help in regulating...

from NDTV Food - Latest

High-Fat And Sugar Diet May Re-Model Brain To Drive Overeating: Study

A new study has said that consuming sugary and fatty foods in excess may re-model the brain, leading to a pattern of overeating.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Foods To Consume And Avoid For Osteoarthritis Pain

While there is no such eating regimen for arthritis, certain foods have been discovered to battle the inflammation.

from NDTV Food - Latest

5 Delicious Spinach Recipes You May Include In Your Weight Loss Diet

From curries and raita to khichdi and kofta, you can sneak spinach just about anywhere!

from NDTV Food - Latest

Give Your Chila A Healthy Makeover With Fibre-Rich, Gluten-Free Ragi Flour

Ragi chila is made just like your regular besan chila by switching the flour. It is gluten-free and full of fibre and other nutrients.

from NDTV Food - Latest

High-Protein Diet: 4 Protein-Rich Breads You Can Add To Your Diet

Breads made from whole grains may actually be beneficial for your health. Here are four types of bread that are rich in fibre and protein!

from NDTV Food - Latest

Plant-Based Diet May Help Manage Symptoms Of Crohn's Disease: Case Study 

The study offers hope for hundreds of thousands of people experiencing the painful symptoms associated with Crohn's disease,

from NDTV Food - Latest

Summer Diet Tips: Quench Your Thirst With This Refreshing Muskmelon Mint Cooler

Whether you are indoors or outdoors, it is important to fuel the body with essential antioxidants. You can do so by bringing in muskmelon mint cooler to your rescue.

from NDTV Food - Latest

This Healthy Version Of 'Uttappam' Is Sure To Help You Lose Some Kilos

Protein takes a while to digest and induce feeling of satiety or fullness, thereby aiding weight loss.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Cooking Hacks: This DIY Popcorn Seasoning Will Make You Forget Your Butter Popcorns

Prepare this popcorn seasoning easily at home without any hassle. Just get some hacks right and you'll love how the flavours of the seasoning blend with the crispy popcorns

from NDTV Food - Latest

Centre invites Delhi to join Ayushman Bharat health scheme

Kejriwal had said that he would examine the possibility of integrating the Centres Ayushman Bharat programme with the Delhi governments health scheme.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Low-Carb Diet: 5 Healthy Veggies Juice Recipes To Add To Your Weight Loss Diet

Vegetables are one of the best negative-calorie foods you can add to your low-carb diet. Here are five delicious veggie juice recipes you can add to your low-carb diet!

from NDTV Food - Latest

Indian Cooking Hacks: Enjoy Monsoon With This Perfectly Grilled Homemade Corn On The Cob

It's that time of the year when smoky aroma of roasted bhuttas or makkai corn literally compels you to stop by a roadside stall and buy one! Monsoon and charcoal-roasted bhuttas go hand-in-hand.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Got Plenty Of Last Night's Left-Over Rice? Turn Them Into These Crispy Rice Pakodas

There are plenty of ideas in which you can use last night's left-over rice.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Boost Your Immunity With These Pistachios or Pista-Based Dishes (Recipes Inside)

Thankfully, unlike many other nuts, pista tastes great and makes it easier to be added in various meals to avail its health benefits

from NDTV Food - Latest

How Do I Stick To My Diet While In The Hospital

Alright guys, I need a bit of advice here. I started a new "diet" about 2 weeks ago. I'm trying to bulk up and been eating somewhere between 2,600 and 3,000 calories a day. I am mostly eating chicken, ground beef, turkey, potatoes, rice and pasta for Lunch/Dinner and sticking to eggs with a protein shake in the mornings. I've been gaining about 1/2 pound every week. I have an issue though, my wife is having a scheduled c-section the first week of July and we'll be in the hospital for anywhere from 3-5 days. How the hell do I stick to my meal plans while being in the hospital? Don't think we'll have access to a fridge or a microwave. I don't want to fall off and lose all the progress I've been making. What kind of advice can you give me? Thanks in advance

from Forums - Nutrition

Questions about bulking

Hi, I am 16 years old and am interested in bulking soon. So I have been working out quite a bit and have put on a decent amount of muscle since I started for example I use to only be able to bench around 70 pounds when I first started and now can do around 135. I use to be fat and now I’d say I’m in pretty good shape but still a bit of stomach fat but I can still see abs through that sometimes. I want to check my body fat percentage soon but am on vacation at the time of posting this so I can’t. My question is how long should I be working out for a day when bulking? Do I gain a lot of fat when bulking? How long do I bulk for? Will I look more muscular near the end of bulking or will I just look fat? Then when I’m done bulking I guess people say I need to cut as well to reveal my new muscle and when doing that do I still lift weights or just do cardio? Thank you

from Forums - Nutrition

Food Faceoff: Japanese 4

Below are 10 Japanese dishes/etc.

Please choose up to 6 that you like:



Kaki Pi


Kappa Maki

from Forums - Nutrition

Starting to get exertion headaches

Hi guys,

I’m hoping someone whos experienced something similar or is informed on the issue can give me some advice.

As of yesterday, ive switched the time of my workouts to be early in the morning as opposed to at night. I normally would workout around 7:00pm just before eating dinner. I began working out 6:30am after eating nothing but a few slices of watermelon, black coffee, and taking omega 3 fish oil supplements and some Himalayan pink salts in my water. I did this because I was noticing my numbers kind of plateau and I was losing motivation going after work. So i figured if I went in the morning I could drink caffeine prior which would help. Its worth mentioning caffeine isn’t something I drank prior to this. I also drink a lot of water and eat really balanced healthy meals (lean meats, jasmine rice, vegetables is the majority of it). I also constantly breathe through sets (out on push/pull, in on decline) i dont take any supplements other than fish oils.

Anyways, i was doing bulgarian split squats yesterday near the end of my workout, not crazy heavy or anything yet, and was really pushing myself through a high reps set, and right when I reracked the weight i just got a thunderous headache, almost as if something popped in my head. It lasted about 30 seconds before subsiding, and then from there it just stayed and annoyed me through any lift i did after. Wasnt terribly painful but did inhibit my ability to push myself. So I left and my head kind of stayed like this for the rest of the day. Then I went again this morning, not feeling the headache anymore, started working my way up on BP, again wasnt going too terribly heavy, but as soon as my set started to tough this huge headache returned and I had to rack the weight. The headache is really strong and like radiates through to my neck and face and I cant move for like 30 seconds before it chills out. Then the same thing happened where it kind of just lingered and bugged me when I tried to lift, getting worse everytime any set got any bit difficult. I kind of just left the gym and came to work, and its still lingering like yesterday. I guess its worth mentioning my sleep has gone down 1-1.5 hours because Im waking up earlier.

Given my nutrition, breathing techniques, timing of lifts, eating patterns, caffeine consumption?? , im wondering if anyone recognizes what this might be caused by, and how to fix it or whether I should wait it out before lifting. Im hoping this is just some common thing and will subside within a couple days. Any advice is greatly appreciated.


from Forums - Nutrition

Off season nutrition
Interesting article on off season nutrition needs for bb'ers

from Forums - Nutrition

Walnut Halwa, Doodhi Halwa And More: 5 Nutritious And Delicious Halwa Recipes

Halwas are, by nature, rich and decadent. But they can be made more nutritious by adding fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts to them. Here are 5 recipes you'd love to try!

from NDTV Food - Latest

Want A Nourished And Glowing Skin? This Cabbage Juice Could Be Your Miracle Potion

Cabbage is a treasure-trove of vitamins and healthy antioxidants like vitamin C, K, Folate, and vitamin B6.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Diabetes Diet: Following This Diet May Improve Brain Function In Diabetics

A new study has said that Mediterranean diet may promote brain function in those suffering from diabetes.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Ditch Those Calorie-Laden Parathas And Pack This Protein-Rich Delicious Lunch For Work

Eggs chaat is not only incredibly delicious but also nutritionally-dense! Try making this hassle-free meal for yourself!

from NDTV Food - Latest

Yes, It's True! This Healthy Tea May Help Manage Your Blood Pressure Levels

Flaxseeds could do wonders for your blood pressure levels. You can have them ground or include them in your smoothies or oatmeal. You can even use the seeds to brew yourself some hot tea.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Recipe Video: Wholegrain, Eggless Khoya Cake - A Healthy Spin On The Traditional Parsi Delicacy

This wholegrain mawa cake is decorated with a thick layer of saffron whipped in cream

from NDTV Food - Latest

Peas For Weight Loss: Eat This High-Protein And Fibre-Rich Veggie To Shed Kilos

Enriched with the goodness of manganese, vitamin C and vitamin K, green peas stand out to be as an excellent addition to any healthy diet.

from NDTV Food - Latest

6 Mushroom Snacks That You Can Prepare For Your Next House Party

If you are hosting a house party at your place this weekend, here are some stellar mushroom snacks you can try your hands at. We are sure your guests would love every bit of it.

from NDTV Food - Latest

7 Best Cheese Recipes For Kids | Easy Cheese Recipes For Kids

Find here the best of cheese recipes for kids which you can easily prepare at home. Think of margherita pizza bursting with cheese or garlic bread and more, we've got everything with a step by step...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Am I eating enough?

Hello, I'm new to this community and to fitness in general so I need a little advice from experienced people.

Warning! Long post ahead

Quick overview of myself:

I am a female 5'5 at a weight of 117 pounds. It sounds like a perfectly normal weight but I have more bodyfat than I used to and the problem areas are clearly visable now.
Like love handles, belly flap and squishy legs. Just overall very non-muscular and wobbly fat areas.

I have started exercising about 3 weeks ago.
I do 15 - 30 minutes 4-5 times a week. I shift between HIIT, Cardio, and bodyweight exercises. I already feel like my cardiovascular endurance is better, that's great. But otherwise I do not do any other exercises. I sit most of the day.
I have started to reduce and track calories only one week ago but I am not sure I am doing it right because I have absolutely no experience with ftness.
I use an app for tracking and my estimated calorie goal is 1250 kcal a day. It sounds like not much.

Problem is I can't track my actively burned calories properly because I use a non high end fitness tracker which is not 100% accurate at all. I can only guess.
So normally I eat around 1200 - 1300 kcal and burn around 200 - 300 kcal a day.
I have eaten on average 106g of carbs, 75g of protein and 50g of fat. I struggle a lot with low carb.

I think I am not eating enough based on calculations but it feels like it is enough to go about my day. If I eat very healthy I dont feel bad with this much.
I have to say that since college I have eaten very much over the last 3 years and I am glad I have not gained much weight, but sadly more fat.

No kidding, I used to make myself whole cakes like cheesecakes or chocolate and ate the whole thing in a day. I can eat anytime basically if I let myself. I ate whole cookie packages and chips by msyelf. And I ate every 2 hours because of "hunger" .
I am a stress eater, so college life has messed up my good habits.

Well, to get to the point finally, what would you advice me to do? I want to loose the fat and after that I want to tone my figure and look more defined afterwards.
How should I go about this?

Thanks all who made it this far!

from Forums - Nutrition

Season Your Fries, Noodles And Pastas With This Homemade Peri Peri Masala

Peri peri spice is often used as a seasoning agent in chicken recipes, rice recipes and even mutton recipes. Peri peri masala can turn even your boring dishes into delectable one.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Here's A Low-Fat, Low-Carb Substitute To Mashed Potatoes For Your Tikki And Steaks (Recipe Inside)

We dug in hard and came up with a surprisingly effective alternative to mashed potatoes - mashed cauliflower!

from NDTV Food - Latest

3 Unique Raw Mango (Kairi) Recipes For A Delicious Summer (Videos Inside)

Summer Diet: 3 unique raw mango recipes you'd love to enjoy this summer!

from NDTV Food - Latest

Watch: This Chilled Melon Soup Is The Ultimate Summer Treat You Need Right Now

Think soup, and you instantly picture of a piping hot blend of veggies and herbs. But this melon soup recipe is chilled, rejuvenating and oh-so-delicious!

from NDTV Food - Latest

World Cup 2019: Treat Your Guests With This 5-Minute Cheese & Pineapple Sticks

Impress your guests with delightful easy-to-make cheese and pineapple sticks starter recipe.

from NDTV Food - Latest

The Leela Hotels Dilli 32 Restaurant Serves As The Perfect Gateway To The Ancient Indian Culinary E

Dilli 32 of The Leela Ambience Convention Hotel serves a delightful variety of regional Indian cuisines, from Awadhi to North Indian, to Mughlai and to other provincial cuisines.

from NDTV Food - Latest

What to eat befor and after consuming alcohol?

Hello, im going to drink some whiskey. What should i eat 2 hours before and 1 Hour after?
My idea is tuna and brocoli before and curd after, its okey or im going to blow up?

from Forums - Nutrition

Watch: How To Make Tawa Pulao Or Pav Bhaji Pulao In Mumbai-Style

Tawa pulao is a hearty, filling meal that can satiate anytime, anywhere hunger while pleasing the appetite. It is a rice combined with an array of veggies in the dish

from NDTV Food - Latest

High Protein Diet: 6 Things To Add to Your Own Vegetarian Protein Bowl 

Protein is an essential macro-nutrient, crucial for muscle building. They also help keep you full.

from NDTV Food - Latest

New cholera vaccine in clinical stage promises to end supply shortage

Cholera is an acute diarrheal infection caused by food or water carrying the vibrio cholerae bacteria.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Food Faceoff: Japanese 3

Please choose up to 4 that you like from the 8 Japanese dishes/drinks shown below:


Hiroshima Yaki






Kare Raisu

from Forums - Nutrition

Cutting while staying in a hotel

I work away from home therefore I stay in a hotel during my nights, with only a few restaurants/shops around and have no access to be able to cook food, any tips on how to continue eating healthy sustainable, high protein meals from the hotel room.

from Forums - Nutrition

GSK to fund doctoral programs at Regional Centre for Biotechnology

Students with a master’s degree in biostatistics, maths, statistics and bioinformatics can apply, and will have to take an aptitude test and clear an interview.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Rate my current meal plan

3k calories meal plan

1st meal (pre workout)
25gr whey protein
100gr oats
All blended

2nd meal (post workout)
25g whey protein (right after the workout)

5 whole eggs
1 tsp olive oil
120gr oats
200ml milk
4 slices of whole meal bread

3rd meal
100g spaghetti
170g chicken breast
100g lettuce
30g walnuts

4th meal
150g greek yogurt
4 rice cakes
30g organic peanut butter

from Forums - Nutrition

5 Delicious Protein-Rich Dessert Recipes To Make Your Diet Interesting

If you have a sweet tooth, but still want to lose weight, you may want to switch over to healthier refined sugar-free protein-rich desserts. Here are 5 recipes to try!

from NDTV Food - Latest

This Weight Loss-Friendly, Low-Carb Summer Snack Is An Ideal For Dieters

One of the best aspects about lauki is that it is a super versatile veggie. Read to know about this exciting way in which you can have the veggie

from NDTV Food - Latest

Food Neophobia Linked With Increased Risk Of Heart Disease, Diabetes: Study

A new study has shown that food neophobia may lead to poor dietary quality and may even increase risks of chronic ailments.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Here's How You Can Make Perfect Tadka For Traditional Curd Rice

If you have mastered the art of getting the tadka right, you can be a pro at making curd rice.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Diabetes Diet: 5 Ways To Eat Chia Seeds For A Healthy Diabetes Management

Diabetics should also include seasonal fruits and veggies in their diet, as they are rich in fibre.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Summer Diet: These Hydrating, Detox Drinks With Watermelon Are A Must-Try

Watermelon is used to create a string of cool beverages that not only reenergise us but also detox the body under the searing heat of summers

from NDTV Food - Latest

Summer Diet Tips: This Fizzy Milk Drink Will Make You Toss That Soda Can Out  

Popular during summers and Ramadan Iftar parties, doodh soda is a cooling drink that is made using milk and soda as its prime ingredients.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Weight Loss: Try This Creamy Grilled Sandwich Without Mayonnaise Or Cheese

Heres a great recipe of grilled sandwich that contains a lush, gooey filling without the help of mayonnaise or cheese.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Weight Loss: This Fibre-Rich Summer Salad Will Keep You Full For Hours

Bursting with nutritional properties, this salad is made using super healthy ingredients like cucumber, Spanish olives, cherry tomatoes, mint etc.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Physical job - nutrition advice

I drive a water delivery truck and deliver 100+ water cooler bottles 4-5 days per week.

I lift each bottle 2-3 times - stairs- lots of walking. Each bottle weighs 45ish pounds.

Any nutrition tips for thus much lifting abs recovery?

(I have no plan currently)

from Forums - Nutrition

Speed 50, an open cycle ride in Thiruvananthapuram, to highlight the benefits of cycling

Organised by Trivandrum Racing League, the ride will be taken out along Pothencode-Venjaramoodu route

from The Hindu - Fitness

Happy Birthday Arjun Kapoor: Healthy Diet Lessons From The 34-Year-Old Star

Arjun Kapoor is celebrating his 34th birthday today and the 'Panipat' star has been setting Instagram on fire lately with pictures of his sculpted physique.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Your Table Salt Contains Deadly Cyanide: US lab report

Premium brands of processed iodised salt sold in India allegedly contain alarming levels of carcinogenic and harmful components like potassium ferrocyanide.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Indian Cooking Hacks: How To Make Kishmish (Raisins) At Home

Mumbai-based YouTuber Alpa Modi attempted to make raisins on her YouTube Channel 'Something's Cooking With Alpa'.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Sanity check? Do I need to eat all target calories for gain mass if hitting Protein?

Can anyone give me a sanity check with my current nutrition. If I hit my protein macro, but am below my TDEE, so I need to eat more to hit the TDEE target? What should I eat to hit TDEE?

Im 5f510, weigh 78.8kg, with around 14.6% bodyfat. I have track stats/food quite strictly for the last 6 years. I lost around 30kg around 4-5 ago, and a futrther 11kg more recently. At one stage, I was on very low calories (way below BMR), and have managed to reverse diet over the last 18 months, and now have a maintenance of around 2550 calories, with target of 173 PRO, 83g FAT, 278 Carb

I tend to maintain the same level of cardio (10000 steps) with gym cardio only to "top up" to the target if needed. Spin 2x week and around 30mins weight a day, mainly upper arms / Legs.

My target is to gain lean body mass with minimal fat gain? Do I need to make sure I hit my TDEE and eat ALL my calories? Should I be in slight calories surplus? Is so, what surplus should I aim for? 200 / cals day??

Assume I hit, protein macro target, is it better to carb/fat to achieve calories or exceed protein? Any suggested foods to add calories?

Any pointers to optimise?

from Forums - Nutrition

This Apple Jalebi Is Indulgence Overload! Watch How You Can Make The Dessert At Home

Apple jalebis are pure indulgence. Team them with creamy and nutty rabri and you are good to go.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Karisma Kapoor's 45th Birthday Cake Reflects Her Love For Berries! (See Pics)

Karisma Kapoor shared a picture of her delicious-looking birthday cake, which had a message from her family which read, "Happy Birthday Lolo! Love us!!"

from NDTV Food - Latest

Number of Calories when starting a work out?


I've taken time out from dieting and exercising due to injury for over 18 months. I've put on fat and I want to lose it but do not remember how many calories to start at for weight loss?

Can anyone help me get started please?

Let's say I am 150lbs and my goal is to go to 120lbs about 18% body fat.
Do I start at 1600 calories? 1300? I cannot get back into the swing of things with my diet and exercise.

Any examples how anybody has started their diet would be much appreciated.


from Forums - Nutrition

NCLT approves Dhanuka Lab’s Rs 1,116 crore plan to buy debt-hit Orchid Pharma

A consortium of 24 banks has lent a total of over Rs 3,200 crore to the drug maker and the lenders will be taking a haircut of around 65%.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Food Faceoff: Japanese 2

From these 8 Japanese dishes, please choose up to 4 that you like:







Gyusuji Nikomi


from Forums - Nutrition