Makes no sense (lean bulk Q)

I am 17M 5"10 167lbs. I am trying to gain 1kg per month for 4-5 months, meaning I should eat at 250 kcal surplus every day. I have some very active days where I'll hit the gym + 4hours soccer non stop sprinting + jogging after that and then some days where I'll stay at home and lay on the bed the whole day. On my active days I should prolly eat 5000kcal and I understand why I mightve lost weight the other day but having that I was only walking home-school, wandering around school, school ->home which makes it 1h walking (230kcal) and I think my BMR should be 2000, how did I end up eating 2800kcal and losing weight? Wasnt I expected to stay the same weight or even gain cz thats 500kcal or the results come few days later?

Sum up: Why did I drop 200g after laying on the bed and sleeping whole day yesterday and does that mean I should eat 2800kcal on lazy days? I have this friend whos been bodybuilding for 12 years who told me to add 250kcal to my daily kcal intake and depending on how much exercise I did that day, not week so as to avoid unnecessary fat gain.

from Forums - Nutrition

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