Intermittent fasting - food to break a fast

Hello, please i want to ask something. Im currently trying classic "16/8" method of IF, i like it so far, i train fasted at the morning then i have my first meal like 2 hours after workout. I have seen a lot of videos about foods that you can break your fast with, but wtf does it really that matter ? Some videos are like ... i dont know its like that your whole IF protocol depends on that fast break food. There are advices like -> you must break your fast with MCT oil, or you body wont be burning fat, if you eat carbs as your first meals, you will gain fat, you must eat carbs+protein or you wont gain muscle, you must drink bone broth because its very healthy, rest will kill you and a lot of other thing .... Im begginer with IF so i really need help with this from someone who is doing "IF" , so question -> does it really matter what will i eat to break my fast, if its healthy food ? You know i like more bigger and dense foods, so i break my fast with my plate of meat,rice,beans,olive oil,vegetables just well rounded meal, i dont want to drink some MCT with protein or what and then wait hours until i can normally eat ... doest it really matter ? Thanks

from Forums - Nutrition

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