Advice - Lost Strength after less than 2 weeks off

Hey, will try keep this short just looking for some advice.
So recently I had to go on a work trip from the UK to Australia for a week. Long story short, had no sleep, major jet lag, ate crap, drank most days and also stopped using creatine for about 2 weeks. Now I know all of these would contribute to poor gym performance but I am surprised just how severe it was. Went back to the gym today and things I was doing for 10/11 reps I was struggling to get 5. Feels bad. Noticed it on all excercises. Also no pump / just generally felt bad during training. Can I really lose so much muscle /strength in such a short period of time? Should i hop straight back on my bulk depsite my lifts being terrible or use it as the start of a mini cut which i was planning on doing soon anyway as ive already lost weight while i was away. Im 6"6 weighed this morning at 214, was up around 220 before i left. Any advice appreciated.

from Forums - Nutrition

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