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Weight Loss: Make Protein-Rich Thai Grilled Chicken At Home With This Recipe Video

This recipe of Thai grilled chicken is healthy, tasty and easy-to-make. You can call it grilled, roasted, barbequed or tandoori chicken. The only difference in this dish is that it contains Thai red...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Bloating issue

I am trying to figure out what is making my stomach bloat! It’s quite annoying and I can’t seem to pin point it..

Left picture is at night (after my daily calorie intake 2450 and gallon of water), right was in the am (not fasted but only had about 2 liters of water and 180 calories at the time).. I am currently on day 3 of my cycle but that bloat should be there no matter the time of the day?

Wont let me post image.. But it’s in my gallery if you want to take a look. I’m obviously bloated either way lol.

Anyway, it’s getting quite annoying to blow up like this. It use to only happy if I drank alcohol but is now happening more frequently.

Any ideas?

from Forums - Nutrition

Too much protein?

I'm currently 16 years old, 5'5", 120 lbs. I'm fairly lean and train intensely. If my current intake is ~3000 calories, is 200-250 grams of protein too much? If so, why and what should I change?

from Forums - Nutrition

can't stop losing weight: indigestion and getting enough calories

A few months ago, I started having acid reflux and upset stomach issues and have been losing almost a pound of week since then while taking PPIs. Even though I've cut my workout from 2 hours a day to less than 30 minutes a day, I can't seem to stop the weight loss. I've followed the medical route of scopes and scans, but that doesn't seem to be getting anywhere.

I know that part of my problem is a decade-long habit of eating very low fat diet, but now it's really biting me. I'm currently trying to teach by body to handle stuff like whole fat greek yogurt, which might work in the long run, but I'm looking for something else to help.

The few protein powders I've taken in the past have had not-so-great results for my digestion, even before I got sick. Anyone have recommendations for way I can get more calories into my body. Are there any particular weight gainers that are much easier to digest than others?

from Forums - Nutrition

diet and workout

How should a correct diet change in relation to workout?
For example, is it correct to eat more carbs and less fats during workout days and then lower carbs during rest days?

from Forums - Nutrition

is meal prep companies worth it ?

I don't follow any diet but eat clean in general

My BF is 17% I'm 87 kg and 180 cm guy

I workout for 12 years now

I want to try meal prep companies for bulking or cutting it's good to eat and not think about what do you eat or what the macros is

any suggestions ?

from Forums - Nutrition

Weight Loss Diet: This BBQ Salad May Help Shed Some Extra Kilos In Winters

Barley, beetroot and quinoa salad has the three amazing ingredients tossed together with a tangy lime dressing, apples and vinaigrette. Served on a plating of arugula leaves, this salad recipe is no...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Indian Cooking Tips: Restaurant-Style Butter Chicken Recipe Video

Butter chicken is one of the most popular Indian dishes across the world. Did you know you can easily make it at home with a few simple steps?

from NDTV Food - Latest

Weight Loss Diet: Try These 6 Low-Carb Breakfast Recipes For Weight Loss

A low-carb, high-protein diet can help you go a long way in achieving your weight loss goals.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Sahal Samad and Rahul KP say they prefer to turn disappointments into motivation to play better

All eyes are on Sahal Samad and Rahul KP, the upcoming stars of Kerala Blasters, as they take to the field on December 1

from The Hindu - Fitness

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from Forums - Nutrition

Theoretical massive red blood cell increase

I have never seen or heard of anyone doing this or even talking about it. If somebody were to put a tight rubber band around each arm and each leg to force the blood to stay in those limbs for an extended period of time, wont the body be at a slight deficite and create more blood cells. And assuming they were on some sort of anabolic steroid that increases red blood cells, would these blood cell gains be even greater?

from Forums - Nutrition

Indian Eatery In London Fined For Serving Peanuts To Teen With Allergy

The teen's family was also asked to pay for the meal before they rushed to the hospital.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Struggling to maintain hard work

Hey guys , 22 5’6 1/2 172lb strong build
I’m currently eating 1700 -1800 to cut predicted matirnce 2100-2200 . I’m just wondering why everytime I try to do a matience phase I gain weight . I know I have metabolic adaptation ( cutting off n on since feb . But Dann , I just wanna be lean and stay lean

from Forums - Nutrition

Is there a daily meal delivery option?

Hey y'all.

I was looking for a meal delivery service that could deliver food on a daily basis. The ones I found only deliver on Fridays. I am traveling for work Monday-Thursday and my food budget is $100/day. I can't order food on Fridays, and I need food to be brought to me every day to the office at my travel location. I also can't order $400 worth of food in advance. Only $100/day.

Is there any service that could help me out with this?

from Forums - Nutrition

Black friday deals?

Post Black Friday deals here! -- Use the code: BESTDEAL2019 for $200 off their Ultimate plan, or 25% off the other plans. (I'm a huge fan of their blood analysis and nutrition recommendations. Helps keep an eye on testosterone levels, cortisol levels, plus tons of other biomarkers to make sure all is in check.) -- $150 off the Pulse 2.0. (Must for post- leg day.)

from Forums - Nutrition

Benefits of fast carbs PWO ?

Hello, can i just ask something. I train 3x per week fullbody training, after my training i have classic whey protein and like 1-2 hours after that meal with protein and complex carbs (something like rice+meat+some vegetables). My main goal is to build muscle and i heard that its benefical to have some fast acting carbs right after workout, for example dextrose + protein post workout. As i said, my main goal is to build muscle, will it be really more benefical to have some fast acting carbs with my protein PWO, than just protein alone post workout ? Thanks

from Forums - Nutrition

How much protein?

Ideally how much protein should someone consume. I was always lead to believe it should be 1g per 1lb body weight but some people say you don’t need this much at all and others say you need more!

Thoughts anyone?

from Forums - Nutrition

Yami Gautam Celebrates Birthday With Family, The Cake Will Make You Drool Too (See Pics)

She rang in her 31st birthday with her kin. She gave us a sneak peek into her private birthday celebrations on her Instagram profile.

from NDTV Food - Latest

5 Health Benefits Of Jamun Seeds: You Won't Throw Away The Seeds After Reading This

Jamun or black plum is an incredibly healthy fruit, and its seeds don't lag behind. Those tiny black seeds of jamum that we tend to scrape out or spit out are equally beneficial for our health.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Govt's public procurement directive to states may restrict competition: MTaI

​​ The timing of the directive, issued this month, is surprising as the industry is actively discussing the means to streamline public procurement of medical devices without disturbing the demand-supply equation.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Ditas, Mehrauli's Newest Resto-Bar That Should Be On Your Gourmet Checklist Today

In addition to the spectacular interiors, Ditas also has outdoor seating in its courtyard overlooking the magnificent Qutub Minar.

from NDTV Food - Latest

High-Protein Diet: This Moong Dal Khichdi Can Be Your Go-To Comfort Food This Winter Season

Dals or lentils are an essential part of the Indian cuisine. Here is a super delicious, easy and quick moong dal recipe that can be your go-to dish for a comforting meal.

from NDTV Food - Latest

How Much Do You Love Your Coffee? Your Blood Test May Tell

A recent study found out that our blood tests can divulge how much coffee and other such drinks we consume regularly, along with other dietary supplements and over-the-counter drugs.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Indian Cooking Tips: Make Healthy Yogurt And Green Onion Dip In 5 Minutes

If you want to make your munching time a bit healthier, yogurt dip is a great option to replace your unhealthy dips. It is made of yogurt or curd or dahi, which is a staple food in most Indian...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Easy Snacks Recipes: How To Make Delish Chicken Cutlets At Home

Crispy from outside, juicy and succulent from inside, this decadent snack is best consumed hot. You can pair these cutlets with ketchup, mayonnaise, mint sauce or any dip of your choice

from NDTV Food - Latest

Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas Celebrate Thanksgiving With "Too Much Food" On The Table

Power couple Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas celebrated Thanksgiving with a lavish dinner with their family at Jonas's home in the US.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Where To Go For The Best Biryani In Hyderabad

Hyderabadis don't just love their biryani, they are biryani snobs with a strong opinion on the perfect biryani. There's more than just one type of Hyderabadi biryani.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Weight Loss: Drink Protein-Rich Chia Seeds Water To Lose Weight Effectively

If you want to reap the benefits of chia seeds in their absolute form, try chia seeds water. Water along with the goodness of chia seeds can be a great healthy drink that may assist weight loss.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Should i bulk or cut if my main go is a six pack with solid aesthetics

Is it possible for me to get a good looking six pack by the summer without looking too skinny? How would I do it to reach my goal by June? Should I cut, recomp bulk or what? Aesthetics are the main goal
Attached Images

from Forums - Nutrition

Breast Milk May Prevent Heart Problems In Premature Babies; Says Study

A recent study claims that early use of breast milk could play an important role in preventing heart disease in preterm infants. Babies born prematurely may carry long-term health complications due to...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Watch: Try This Winter-Special Makke Ki Roti Recipe At Home

Sarson Ka Saag with Makke Ki Roti is one of the most popular dishes during the winter season.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Indian Cooking Tips: How To Make Dhaba-Style Rajma Masala At Home 

If you also look for rajma masala in every dhaba you visit on your road trip, we have a recipe that could help you imitate something similar in the comforts of your home. You can pair this curry with...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Can't seem to gain weight

I am 20 years old and only weigh around 57ish kg. Around summer time this year I started trying to eat healthy and increase my intake focused on macros to try gain some muscle along with going to the gym. Now since I went back to uni around September time I haven't been working out so much and decided to focus on calorie intake rather than macros and have been averaging anywhere between 2300 - 2500 calories sometimes more but I am still the same weight to when I started around 4/5 months ago... even if I dont eat much I dont even really lose any weight I am not sure what to do haha. Also would like to mention that I am 5ft 10 if that has any value.

from Forums - Nutrition

Nutrition In Fish: Here's Why You Should Include Fish In Your Diet

Fish Nutrition: Eating fish at least twice a week is recommended by all leading health bodies for protection against heart diseases, stroke, diabetes, blood pressure and even for brain health.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Watch: Make Bengali-Style Fish Moong Dal At Home (Recipe Video Inside)

The moong dal with fish head is known as macher matha diye munger daal in Bengali. This recipe combines dal and fish to make a sensational dish that everyone (not just Bengalis) would love.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Healthy Plant-Based Diets May Limit The Risk Of Cognitive Decline In Old Age

Healthy plant-based diets have proved to be of significant value in delaying or curbing brain-related issues. These findings suggest that maintaining a healthy dietary pattern is important for the...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Taimur Ali Khan Makes Ice-Cream For Kareena Kapoor Khan in Chandigarh

The Instagram post by Chef Vijay Chauhan of The Oberoi Hotels and Resort gave us a sneak-peek into the star-studded kitchen.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Healthy Diet: Include Dates In Your Morning Meal To Start The Day On A Healthy Note

Dates is one of those fruits that is most sought after in the world of health and nutrition due to its umpteen benefits. Here is how you can include it in your morning meal.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Roche India head Lara Bezerra set to exit

A Roche India spokesperson confirmed the development and said an announcement for a new India head will be made soon. “Dec. 1 will be the date for Lara to end the assignment. During her tenure at Roche India, Lara successfully led the organization with passion and commitment and shaped the culture of the organization,”the statement added.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Sufferfest, the new mode of partying, does the rounds

Work hard, party harder: Sufferfest is the new mode of partying where you work out hard and feast with like-minded people

from The Hindu - Fitness

To Fight Dehydration, Goa Schools To Have 2 Water Breaks

Fearing rising dehydration among students, the Goa Education Department has instructed all schools to facilitate two water breaks daily.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Chinese Man Left With Tapeworms in Brain After Eating Undercooked Meat

The man is reportedly in his 40's and he rushed to hospital after suffering from severe headaches and seizures.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Recipe Video: Make Easy Gujarati Sev Tamatar Ki Sabzi In Just 10 Minutes

Sev tamatar ki sabzi is a quick and easy Gujarati recipe that will not take more than 10 minutes to prepare at home. Spicy, tangy and sweet the three distinct flavours come together to make this...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Lower Carb On Off days

Im a teen bulking. I do a 3-4x week full body split. Would it be of any good to lower (maybe 100-150) on rest days.

from Forums - Nutrition

Losing Weight and Building Muscle

Hey, I'm currently trying to lose weight but wanna build muscle also. I've searched online but a lot of people say diffrent things so it gets confusing.

I'm currently eating 2050 Calories per day. I don't do any cardio atm but I do lift weights at the gym 3-5 times a week. I eat atleast 200grams of protein everyday and try to eat 2x my weight. From what I understand the protein is what builds the muscle and on YouTube it sounds like 1.5x - 2x the weight is optimal for building muscle. So if I do all this will I lose weight and also at the same time gain muscle?

If not why is that and is there anyway I can lose body fat while building muscle?

Weight: 108KG/238LBS.
Age: 19

from Forums - Nutrition

Advice for eating good and monitoring macros on the road

Hi guys,

As the title says I am looking for some help with maintaining my macros whilst working as a driver. My job consists of me driving usually ten hours a day. I am usually driving from 11am to 8pm. I am trying right now to cut weight. I have my daily calories and macros which I need to stick to for my target. My macros are:-

Cals: 2000
Fat: 65g
Carbs: 200
Protein: 154

I am 5'10 currently weighing about 188 ilbs. I started this driving job in April this year and I have allowed it to mess up my training and diet. I have put on about 15ilbs since starting this job. I was finding far to easy just to eat fast food every day and making excuses to myself saying in my head that it is to hard to eat good on the road.

I have decided that enough is enough. I feel and look terrible at this weight and my diet was really starting to not only affect my confidence but my energy levels and other aspects of my mental health. I have now managed to slowly but surely get myself back to the gym and following a good routine. I am starting to feel better and I am making progress.

I find it really easy to stick to my healthy diet at the weekend or when I am not driving all day and my work schedule is a bit lighter and I can cook my meals or heat healthy meals at home. My problem is that with my job I do not know until the night before or that morning how far I need to drive and how long for.

I am earning a very good living at this so I can't complain. My only issue is that it is messing up my diet. As I have no cooking facilities or microwave I can't prep my normal meals. I can't go to any decent restaurants as then I can't monitor my macros as no restaurants have these on menu so my diet would be all guesswork which I do not want.

I am finding myself eating sandwich products constantly which are bought from garages or convenience stores. At least with these they give you the macronutrient content and I can monitor what I am putting into my body. Downside to this is that most of these products are processed with salt and sugar. I am also not wanting to be eating bread, especially every day or sometimes twice a day.

When I am home at weekend or have a day where I am not driving as much my diet is good. I do Intermittent Fasting so I do not have breakfast. I will have chicken breast and rice at lunch then usually either salmon/steak/venison with potatoes for dinner each night. If I am a bit short on calories/macros I can comfortably through in some eggs and fruit to fix that.

Anyone any advice on how to eat good on the road and monitor macros at the same time? Any help advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

from Forums - Nutrition

Parliamentary panel recommends integration of Indian Systems of Medicine with modern treatment

The Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health and Family Welfare, in its 115th report submitted in Rajya Sabha on Wednesday, said an earlier document had recognized the need to build capacity of existing human resource in the health care sector to address the shortage of healthcare professionals.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

High Protein Diet: This Chicken And Mushroom Broth May Do Wonders For Your Diet

Warm, soothing and full of comfort, a bowl of well-made chicken soup can spread instant cheer. Chicken soup, if made right could make for value addition to your weight-loss diet.

from NDTV Food - Latest

US Prof Calling Indian Food 'Terrible', Sparks Twitter Controversy

Yet another storm of heated comments and debates fired up on Twitter after A US-based professor Tom Nichols tweeted - "Indian food is terrible and we pretend it isn't.- The harsh comment seems to have...

from NDTV Food - Latest

High-Protein Breakfast: Try This Quick And Easy Egg Masala Toast For Your Next Breakfast

Here is a perfect egg recipe to try at home for breakfast when you are pressed for time. Healthy, tasty and full of protein.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Parineeti Chopra Had This Low-Carb Snack During Her Latest Photoshoot

The actor also created waves for her inspiring weight-loss journey. According to reports, she lost close to 25 kilos. The actor has since, become a fitness icon for millions.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Heart-Healthy Diet May Improve Brain And Memory Functioning; Study

The risk factors for heart disease also are risk factors for dementia and late-life cognitive decline and dementia. Regular exercising and following a heart-healthy diet such as the DASH diet, may...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Buddying up through Acro Yoga in Delhi

Acro Yoga is all about collaboration, not competition, with a partner

from The Hindu - Fitness

IIFYM vs Classic bb food plan

Okay I’m curious as to who follows what type of food plan.

Some coaches and PTs (especially people who compete) even some bodybuilders say oh you should only be eating things like chicken, rice, eggs, pasta, veg etc. Then there’s other people who say well you can do IIFYM where you do eat those things but you also include some treats and enjoy other foods in moderation.

What does everyone think about this?
Some people can’t stick to eating chicken rice and veg day in and day out it’s not sustainable for them to eat the same food for months and years on end.
Can’t most of people who exercise just make sure they eat plenty or of protein and yeah have enough fruit and veggies in their diet but still have bread and crumpets and the odd cake or so??
I mean it’s at the point where some people say “oh don’t eat fruit too much because of the sugar in it”. In the grand scheme of things shouldn’t (especially coaches) be telling their clients yes eat fruit it’s good for you it should be included in your diet.

It can be quite confusing for some people who are newbies as to what information to follow. Do you have rice and veg and chicken or can you actually see results and progress with doing IIFYM?

I remember once in work a guy brought his breakfast and lunch in and was eating scrambled eggs and a couple of bagels , for his lunch he had a stir fry with sauce and chicken ( which looked really nice) and another guy was like you do bodybuilding and eat that? You should be eating chicken and pasta and veggies, don’t eat bagels blah blah blah. It’s just really confusing for the general public who exercise and want to just see results?

from Forums - Nutrition

Winter Special: Beat The Chill With This Coconut And Beetroot Soup

The goodness of beetroot and coconut comes together for a delightful soup recipe that you just can't resist.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Drinking These Many Cups Of Coffee Daily May Reduce The Risk Of Heart Problems; Study

Coffee carries the potential of limiting the risk of developing a major cardiovascular-related issue - MetS (metabolic syndrome). MetS (metabolic syndrome) increases the risk of cardiovascular...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Watch: How To Make Meaty and Decadent Aloo Keema At Home

This aloo keema (aloo plus mutton keema) recipe posted on NDTV Food's YouTube channel is ideal for lazy brunches, picnics and potlucks.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Arguments on Artificial Sweetener affecting Insulin Levels.

I don't know why but I find most of the research on artificial sweeteners is very confusing/baised.

1. Research says that artificial sweeteners increase insulin levels just like regular sugar. I can understand that brain is making pancreas release insulin in anticipation that the body maybe going to receive heavy dose of carbohydrate.

2. So if that's the case then shouldn't the unnecessarily released insulin shuffle whatever blood glucose in the cells? Shouldn't that indirectly cause low blood sugar? because there are no real carbohydrate were consumed to justify the increased insulin.

3. Granted your liver will release stored glucose to balance blood sugar but again it has limited stock. If you're in keto, deprived of most of the carbohydrate, your liver doesn't have glucose left to balance your blood sugar. So using artificial sweeteners in keto means you must get low blood sugar and it should give you its symptoms. Low blood sugar make you very hungry, it makes you crave sweet food and it makes you lethargic.

4. But those symptoms are absent. Using artificial sweeteners doesn't make me more hungry or lethargic.

5. On deep keto, people can take black coffee with artificial sweeteners and do fasting for whole day and still don't get hungry. (fasting is very easy on keto, if you didn't know).

6. If above logic is sound then the research doesn't make any sense.

7. If research is saying artificial sweeteners should empty your liver glucose store faster. Isn't that very outcome highly desired by the people who are doing carb cycle/low carb/keto diet? If the research is saying that artificial sweeteners makes your liver release glucose then how's that not like doing cardio? We are doing the same thing on cardio, emptying glucose storage so that body can go on fat burning phase.

8. If you just use artificial sweeteners and avoid sugars for many years, Shouldn't body learn to not to release insulin just because our taste buds tasted something sweet. Maybe it'll start expecting food to be present in the digestion tracks first. We are feeding our children food which is very sugary. But we replace that sugar with artificial sweeteners, shouldn't body develop ability to not to release insulin only because the child tasted something sweet in its mouth?

9. This particular research was done on 17 people only. And only half of them were on artificial sweeteners. It's too small research scale to consider it. Plus you should also consider that sugar lobby is one of the biggest in the US and they'll do anything to destroy anything that comes against the sugar. They did that to saturated fats and cholesterol previously.

10. So guys what am I missing from this picture? Is there a problem with my logic or research has some fallacies in it?

from Forums - Nutrition

EEST At The Westin, Gurugram Offers Delicious 'Peking Duck' & 'Flavours of Sichuan' In The City

EEST, the Pan Asian speciality dining outlet, launched Peking Duck, along with Flavours Of Sichuan food festival that was held from 15th November till 22nd December 2019.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Biocon, Mylan get USFDA nod for pegfilgrastim drug substance licence

This additional approval of its new manufacturing facility for pegfilgrastim in Bengaluru will enable the biotechnology major to enable its arm Biocon Biologics and Mylan to scale up capacity multi-fold and address the growing market opportunities in US and other global markets.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Am I on the right track?

Gained 100lbs of dad weight over the past 2 years. Looking to lose fat and gain muscle again. I'm 6'3, before the baby I was about 155-160lbs. I'm now 260 🤣.

Going to the gym 5-6 days a week in addition to working long full time hours. Trying to nail a diet that's convenient and efficient.

Currently eating:
Oatmeal + peanut butter
2 eggs
Chicken + rice + broccoli
Fish + Sweet potato
Protein shake
Chicken salad

I don't eat any sugar, and I limit the carbs/sodium. Will this keep me on the right path? Really trying to progress quickly

from Forums - Nutrition

Pharma Inc agrees to cap margins on non-price control drugs at 30%

A consensus to this effect was reached at a meeting held on Friday between the drug pricing regulator, pharma lobby groups and industry associations, said people present at the meeting. The 30% cap on trade margins was preferred over other proposals such as imposing a flat 100% trade margin on all medicines, including those within price control.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Calorie intake

I am 5'9 170 at about 21% body fat. I have been lifting for about a month. I am new to weight lifting and am looking to build muscle. It's hard for me to hit around 1700 cal a day, but I am hitting my protein macros. Will I be able to still build muscle without hitting 2300-2500 calories a day?

from Forums - Nutrition

Omega Healthcare appoints Sumit Sachdeva as Chief Growth Officer

The company said Sachdeva will be responsible for accelerating growth in the payer and pharma segments while also driving adoption of the company’s technologies.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

The World Week Of Italian Cuisine 2019 Struck The Right Chord With The Food Connoisseurs Of Delhi

The Embassy of Italy organised the World Week of Italian Cuisine in New Delhi. This year, the 4th edition of the World Week of Italian Cuisine was held from November 20th to 24th, 2019. The theme of...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Watch: Try This Quick & Easy Chilli Gobhi Recipe For Your Next House Party (Recipe Video Inside)

Chilli gobhi is truly a delicious dish to try at home. The melange of rich and spicy flavours with crunchy gobhi goes perfectly well as great a party snack.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Sunflower Seeds: 6 Reasons How These Seeds May Help Boost Your Health

Sunflower seeds are famed for their high nutritive value and a distinct nutty taste that makes these a must-have addition to our diet. The seeds are found inside the centre of the yellow-coloured...

from NDTV Food - Latest

OP’s tour is over. Pre-diabitus

Story time:

OP always knew he sucks at eating carbs. As a kid OP never wanted candy or cake like other kids did, OP never wanted a banana or potatoes or oats, OP wanted steak! And only steak. (And more steak)

As a young adult OP experimented with various typical recommended bodybuilding diets (OP is 200 lbs, so 80 grams fat, 200 grams protein, the rest carbs), OP did not like. Fat intake seems way too low, OP never adjusted. OP increasingly noticed belly fat with age despite often having striated chest and being lean everywhere else. Carbs never made OP satisfied, only more hunger :(

Cholesterol and blood sugar were always bad, but recent blood test finally crossed over into pre-diabetic blood sugar reading. OP and doctor thought this is a good time for a low carb diet...

OP now several weeks in with no direct carb sources other than some berries and salad, no refeeds so far, didn’t feel the need to, OP feels very good, no keto flu (since OP now knows all the dietary tricks of Keto, earlier Keto experiment didn’t go well for OP...), sleeping like a baby, clear sinuses, no energy crashes, never yawning, strength and stamina in the gym went up significantly, OP’s libido improved (no pics)

Should OP do carb refeeds anyway? Perhaps to boost thyroid or refuel glycogen or remind the body so enzymes for starch etc. digestion don’t disappear?

from Forums - Nutrition

Watch: How To Make Restaurant-Style Chicken Manchurian At Home

With this recipe of chicken manchurian, you can recreate the restaurant-style magic at home. This recipe video was posted on NDTV Food's YouTube Channel.

from NDTV Food - Latest

11 Of The Best Chole Bhature Places In Delhi You Must Try

Chole Bhature, the name is enough to make us go out and grab a plate of piping hot plate of the dish. Here are 11 of the best chole bhature you can try in Delhi.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Unconvential sources of abilities?

Heard this awhile ago, but it came to mind out of curiosity mainly. Is it true you can get more and higher strength gains from junk food like cheeseburgers and burritos, but moreso than the gains you would get from whole foods such as oats, rice, vegetables, fruit, beans, chicken, eggs, milk, fish and other whole food sources? Granted these come with health risks of course, but is junk food a potential tool for better performance during a workout than what is considered to be "healthy" choices of diet? Can you expect better lift numbers from it?

from Forums - Nutrition

Serious mass + nutrition

Hello guys so my goal here is to gain a lot of weight in the upcoming months, so a bit about me I have a crazy fast metabolism, my job requires me to be on my feet all day and along with uni I sometimes just don’t have enough time to get all the calories I need in. So I bought serious mass which I’ve used for a week now and the 1 scoop is massive do I add another scoop so I actually get the 1250 or stick with my daily 1 scoop 2/3 a day shake. As far as my the calories I need to maintain current weight it’s 2500 and I need 3730 calories to gain. Now I understand I could be wrong in those factors and could even be eating more than I should as I’ve used a calculator online but this is my first real go at this. I’m also open to any constructive criticism and understand that a lot of you guys prefer to make your own shakes which at some point I will try but with my time honestly being limited due to work uni and various other things I’m not going to throw myself in the deep end. Also food wise sometimes I skip breakfast but I mainly have rice and chicken or pasta and chicken 2 times a day and quite a bit of other junk tbh. Thanks for the help in advance guys :). Also I’m 22 not 49 lol

from Forums - Nutrition

National Milk Day: Benefits Of Drinking Turmeric Milk In Winters 

Turmeric milk or haldi doodh is a desi energy drink that has been awinter staple since centuries. So what is it about the magic spice and milk that makes for such a dynamic duo? Let's find out:

from NDTV Food - Latest

Watch: Make Apple Basundi Dessert At Home With This Recipe Video

This recipe gives a healthy spin to the regular basundi and shows how to make apple basundi. Apple is one fruit that is available during all the seasons. With its high nutrient value and subtle sweet...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Question about no protein versus lots of protein

Aight so before this date 10/18/2019 I used to eat mainly oreos/chips/hot pockets/pizza/cheeseburgers but mainly oreos and chips as my main food consumption. So I decided I want to eat healthy again meaning chicken/veggies/rice & Eggs/Wheat bread/fruits or beans as my main meals because thats what I like.

So I was getting probably 50-60 protein any time I had my 4x4 at in n out but besides that, that was the only protein I got LOL. Now I'm getting around 140 grams of protein again relative to my body weight while training.

My question is if you were to train on these two different nutrition plans and for say both at 1800 calories, what would happen? lulll

from Forums - Nutrition

US health regulator finds Silvassa unit non-compliant with CGMP: Ipca Labs

The company said that since this manufacturing facility is already under USFDA import alert and presently not doing any US business, this will have no impact on company's current on-going business activities. The USFDA inspection of its Piparia (Silvassa) formulations manufacturing unit in August resulted in three observations.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Indoco Remedies receives EIR from USFDA

Indoco Remedies got "establishment inspection report (EIR) for its Clinical Research Organisation, AnaCipher, located at Hyderabad for the inspection carried out by the United States Food and Drug Administration (division of New Drug Bioequivalence Evaluation) from August 5 to August 9, 2019," the filing said.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Eating High Fibre-Diet May Up Colon Cancer Risk: Study

The scientists hinted at a new connection between the way cells consume fat and how genes regulate stem cell behaviour in the intestines of mice.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Glenmark Pharma gets USFDA nod for diabetes management drug

"Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Inc, USA, has been granted final approval by the United States Food & Drug Administration (USFDA) for metformin hydrochloride extended release tablets USP, 500 mg and 1000 mg, the generic version of Glumetza extended release tablets, 500 mg and 1,000 mg, of Salix Pharmaceuticals Inc," the drug maker said in a filing to BSE.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

High-Protein Diet: Add Spinach To Your Moong Dal And Make It Healthier (Watch Recipe Video)

Here is a great way to transform the plain regular moong dal. Add spinach or palak to it and make moong dal palak. This recipe video by popular food vlogger, Manjula Jain, shows how to make this...

from NDTV Food - Latest


Sorry this isnt the right forum but there wasnt a sleep forum. I'm a teenager and on weekends/breaks I go to sleep later than usual (11-12pm). On weeknights I'm in bed by 9:30-10pm. I'm wondering that if I still get 8 and a half to 9 hours of sleep on the nights where I go to sleep late, will I be missing out on any gains. I always sort of feel guilty when I get to bed late.

from Forums - Nutrition

Health Ministry questioned on delayed use of Oxytocin after childbirth

In an article published in the reputed British Medical Journal (BMJ), doctors and maternal health experts have questioned the “scientific rationale“ and “ethics” of an Indian health ministry announcement that calls on obstetric staff to delay giving oxytocin to women after childbirth until the uterus has expelled the placenta.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Eatting the same thing EVERYDAY, cutting.

Before I start this off, I actually really enjoy this meal and it is not boring to me whatsoever.
Typically my day goes like this:

Age; 22
BW; 179 Lbs
H; 5'10 - 5'11

0800 AM Off work
0830 AM Sleep, wake up around 1500 PM, sometimes I have a bowl of cheerios, some days not.
1530 PM Gym
- 1.5 Hr - 2 Hr weight training, depends on the day
- 45 Minutes - 1 Hour of cardio, typically burning 750-950 Calories
1830 PM Head back and usually have a protein shake with skim milk (roughly 50g protein)
2300 PM Chicken Breast, ~180grams of broccoli(boiled), 1 Cup of rice (boiled)
0230 AM 2x Greek yogurt (200 calories, 24g protein)
0530 AM Chicken Breast, ~180 grams of broccoli(boiled), 1 Cup of rice (boiled)

...And repeat,

DTTE = ~2400 Calories
Total Nutri. = 1537 Calories, 131g Carbs, 193g Protein, 10-15g Fat.

Usually in a -800 to -1800 calorie deficit every day.

May have couple glasses of Orange Juice, typically stick to drinking a few liters of water everyday.

My body doesn't mind this whatsoever, just kinda curious what other people think!

Goal is dropping body fat % while maintaining strength, just want that six pack lol.

Edit; Should also add I will probably have a cup of watermelon slices on random days.

from Forums - Nutrition

Booster dose for Indian medical device makers

The stipulation for US or European regulatory approval excludes local manufacturers from tenders and to level the playing field, it is recommended that there should be preference for Make in India products during public procurement, the Department of Pharmaceuticals said in a recent letter to the states

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Should I just eat more?

Hi everyone! I’ll try to keep this as short as it’s could be.
I’ve started to wourkout in december 2018. I was 90kg and skinny fat, no arms, chest was non existent but developed a decent belly. First I just wanted to loose weight so I was training 5-6 days a week in a caloric deficit and in 2-3ish months I’ve lost 16kg. Then I’ve continued training in a deficit but hit a brick wall at 78kg. Recently I’ve moved to the UK and decided to bulk and say bye to my abs. Here comes the fun. I’m tracking my macros for like 2 months now with fitnesspal ~3500cal 175g protein 440g carbs and 100g of fat and I haven’t gained any weight since. Some of my lifts are increased very slightly but some of them are decreased. The only thing I could think of is my job. I’m loading vans with fridges, washingmachines and cookers, worktops etc. Is that possible that I burn so much calories at work that I still need to eat more even tho sometimes I’m sick of eating?

Cheers for the answers!

from Forums - Nutrition

How many cals in 2 lbs bone-in ribeye?

No tomahawk, just regular bone, thick 2 inch steak, 2 lbs total raw weight.

I was thinking 1400?

from Forums - Nutrition

how many calories do i need to eat to gain muscles

im trying to do is gain muscles. how many calories do i need to eat. should i just take one of those mass gainer supplement?

from Forums - Nutrition

help planning nutrition

I have a few goals right now which are...

1. get to and maintain my bodyweight at 150 lbs. and achieve a 5-10% fat content.
I'm doing this by multiplying my current weight by 15 then subtracting 20% of that number to reach my daily calorie intake. Right now I am at 163 lbs x 15 -20% = 1,956 calories which will be reevaluated every week when I weigh myself on sunday mornings (how does this sound?)

2. Lower my cholesterol bur also what is a good source of omega 3 oils that won't raise my cholesterol?

3. Have enough energy for training and stay full. I realize to a certain extent this won't be comfortable and I will need to suck it up to some degree but also need to be able to have enough energy to complete my lifting and build strength

from Forums - Nutrition

Trouble gaining weight due to food allergies tied to skin disorder

Hi all,
I'm new to this place and hope that someone could possibly guide me in the right direction. Before I get started, I'd like to ask the moderators to please not delete this straight away with reason being that I can find information on this by just googling, which is what happened on Reddit. I cannot, I tried. My problem is about my allergies causing weight loss, whereas almost everything that google showed me was about allergies causing weight gain. If the mods insist that there is stuff out there related to my issue, then please show me because for the life of me I couldn't find anything.

Back on topic. I'd like to get some tips about weight gain whilst already living with an allergy diet. I'm 27, 5'8'' male with an extremely high metabolism. I used to work out when in school so I've been reasonably fit ever since. But I've always been on the skinny side, always hovering between 120-130lbs range so just bordering on underweight. Everything I eat gets burnt up so quickly that my body just doesn't let me gain any weight.

On top of that I have severe food allergies which limit what I can consume, because they trigger my genetically inherited skin disorder (atopic eczema). If I eat something I'm allergic to in large quantities, I get red flaky rashes on my body (in worst cases the rashes spread literally head to toe) which make for miserable sleepless nights.

So my question is, is there any form of fitness diet that could help me gain at least a little bit of mass whilst somewhat maintaining my existing allergy diet? Most of the time I don't mind being skinny, but for once I'd like to get back to working out and looking like a normal-ish human being, for I feel like the stuff I consume currently is not enough for me to gain a few extra pounds.

I'll list some of the foods I can and cannot eat if needed, but I want to know first if this forum is a good place for questions like mine. If anyone has any information to share about allergy-based fitness, and specifically for gaining weight and not losing, I'd be most grateful. Thanks in advance!

from Forums - Nutrition

A Self-Heating Lunchbox

Hey guys, I've been working on a product called 'the self-heating lunchbox'. It's currently live and successfully funded on Kickstarter, would appreciate it if you could check it out and let me know whether this could be something for you. One of our assumptions is that bodybuilders that do meal prepping struggle with eating hot meals due to the absence of microwaves and/or proper take-out food. With Heatbox, we want to enable people to enjoy a hot meal anywhere, anytime. Thanks in advance! ;)

You can find us on by searching for Heatbox: The Self-Heating Lunchbox

from Forums - Nutrition

How to go about losing more weight?

Hello, i am currently 16 years old and i do weight lifting about 5 days a week for an hour with 8 or more hours of cardio on Saturday and Sunday via cycling.
I was 208 lb about 2 months ago but now i am down to 191 but i can't seem to lose any more weight as I appeared to have hit a plateau.
My current caloric intake is about 1700 a day with my cycling days 2-3k. I try and keep my carbs under 100-150 a day for non cycling days and cycling days i step up to abt 300.
What should i do to get leaner?

Height is 5"8
Weight 191

from Forums - Nutrition

Study Claims That Fortifying Foods With Microparticles Could Help Fight Malnutrition

The scientists have come out with a new strategy to fortify staple foods with vital nutrients like iron and vitamin A, by encapsulating them in a biocompatible polymer BMC, which can prevent the loss...

from NDTV Food - Latest

High-Protein Diet: How To Make Quick Oats Masala Omelette At Home

From porridge, upma, to idli, oats can liven up your breakfast table and how! If you are still not convinced of its versatility, we have a recipe that is sure to make you a fan too.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Weight Loss: Amla Juice May Help You Lose Extra Weight Naturally; Here's Why

Amla, with all its nutrients, can be very effective in bringing about weight loss, that too in a healthy way. If you are wondering what makes amla juice so great for weight loss; here we list it all...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Indian Cooking Tips: Make Hyderabadi Biryani At Home With This Simple Recipe

Biryani is easily one of the most popular Indian dishes across the globe. We have got you here the famous Hyderabadi biryani recipe, that you can try at home for a lavish meal.

from NDTV Food - Latest

RFL fund: HC seeks Malvinder's reply on ED plea against order refusing further police custody

The Enforcement Directorate has sought extension of police custody of former Fortis Healthcare promoter Malvinder Singh & Sunil Godhwani, former CMD of Religare Enterprises Limited (REL) till November 28. The agency had taken both into custody on Nov 14 from Tihar, where they had been lodged due to a case filed by the Delhi Police, related to the alleged scam.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

‘This is your forever body’: UFC stars Forrest Griffin, Chris Weidman share fitness tips

With gyms incorporating mixed martial arts techniques into their routines, two UFC Champions give us some surprisingly simple advice to follow

from The Hindu - Fitness

What my ONE year old VEGAN toddler and I eat in a day

A child wanting to embrace and practice the vegan lifestyle is admirable, but let’s not forget just how important it is for them to make healthy food choices that will fuel their bodies and brains while growing up. The key here is to yes promote the vegan diet, but ensure that the food choices are plant-based, whole foods.

You would think that with the elimination of animal protein, children would suffer anemia and other iron deficiencies, right?

from Forums - Nutrition

Winter Special: Try This Easy Carrot Recipe For A Quick And Healthy Lunch

A quick and easy carrot recipe that is delicious as well as super nutritious to prepare for your next lunch.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Indian Cooking Tips: How To Make Authentic Bengali-Style Chana Dal At Home

Chana dal and luchi, a close cousin of puri, is one of Bengals most beloved breakfast combinations. Warm, comforting and utterly delectable, chana dal is a must-try.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Dealing With Obesity? This Newly-Found Chinese Herb May Help You

Ginseng is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb that may be used as an alternative strategy for managing excessive weight and obesity. The scientists revealed that ginseng extract may activate the...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Diabetes Diet: Avocados May Prevent Or Delay Diabetes

You can manage diabetes to a great extent by monitoring your diet; it turns out that eating avocados may keep diabetes at bay.

from NDTV Food - Latest

What's the latest about protein source from SOY?


Just wanted to check what's the latest consensus on Soy based protein? Is it safe? Is it complete?

Any ncbi sources?



from Forums - Nutrition

7 Kitchen Tips To Peel And Cut Your Veggies The Right Way For Maximum Nutrition

The way you go about handling your veggies before cooking them is of paramount importance that dictates their offering to us. So, here we give you some smart tips and tricks to peel and cut your...

from NDTV Food - Latest

The impact of high protein intake on kidney function.

Well guys due to forum glitches I cannot include everything I wanted to type out, but at least I have a nice overall summary for myself. So here's a brief version of my thoughts, with conclusions/references in the next post:

1. We are born with a certain number of nephrons per kidney that filter blood. Initially our glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in young adulthood is ~120 (mL/min/1.73 m^2); after age 30 this declines ~10 per year. We are born with more than we need; if some nephrons die then others can work harder to make up for this and thus it is possible to incur a significant amount of kidney damage without having a large change in GFR. There are other measures of kidney function than just GFR (primarily the amount of protein that makes it through to the urine), but GFR is what the literature focuses on and a decrease is likely going to be an earlier sign than increased proteinuria of kidney damage from high protein. [1]

2. It is difficult to measure GFR accurately in larger studies and the estimating formulas typically use creatinine and cystatin c, both of which can be flawed. [2]

3. It is difficult to determine how much protein people eat. One nice compilation of 5 different validation studies found a correlation coefficient of reported and actual intake for total kcal and grams of protein to be <=0.4 (1 would be the best). [3]

4. During pregnancy blood volume increases a lot as does GFR and this remains elevated up to 3 months post-partum. This does not seem to lead to any pathology. After having one kidney removed the other one compensates and increases its GFR (hyperfiltration); this also does not seem to lead to pathology for at least 20 years. [4]

5. Amino acids seem to function as renal vasodilators thus allowing more bloodflow to the kidneys. Protein thus acutely increases GFR.

6. The question is does this matter in the long term. Unfortunately, pretty much all of the large long term studies compare high and low protein where the high protein group is <1.5 g/kg/d. There are mixed findings in these studies, and questionable methodology in many due to the issues alluded to above. [5]

7. There are shorter term studies that use higher amounts but the problem is they are shorter term. If we normally lose 10 GFR per decade and we eat a high protein diet and lose say 4 times that amount (hypothetically); we're going to have significant problems after a couple of decades. After a couple of years though there won't be much difference at all. [6] [7]

8. Jose Antonio has published several studies on really high protein intakes in athletes; all are <=2 years so it's too soon to see significant changes. In the one study he published that was 2 years, it includes 5 people, and while he concludes that there was no change in the average creatinine levels of the 5, looking at the individual data shows the BUN values don't really line up with the reported intakes and 2 of the 5 had significant jumps in reported creatinine from year 1 to 2, which is worrisome. [8] [9]

9. Animal studies show mixed results. Many studies in rats and dogs don't show scary effects of high protein diets but one study in pigs does. [10] [11]

from Forums - Nutrition

Food Faceoff: Soup Finals

We will have no FFO this week for the Holiday.

We will return December 2nd.

Happy Thanksgiving to all

These 9 Soups all received 4 or more votes yesterday.

Please choose your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place choices:

Baked Potato

Cheesy Chicken Enchilada

Turkey Pot Pie

Broccoli & Cheese

French Onion

Turkey Chili

Chicken Tortilla


from Forums - Nutrition

Whole Wheat Flour vs Oat Flour

I'm making sugar-fat free pancakes with whole wheat flour while bulking but is there any difference between oat flour and whole wheat flour ?Which one is better ?

from Forums - Nutrition

EASY smoothie instead of lunch?

I get into situations in which eating a typical lunch won't work. I'd rather chug some kind of a liquid meal.

I've google'd smoothie recipes, but they are WAY too complex and they assume that we all want a taste orgasm. There are too many steps. I want something palatable....maybe like Muscle Milk....but cheaper to make. It doesn't have to taste like frig'n cheesecakes and tropical drinks.

In other words, I'm seeking a primitive smoothie recipe that will be highly nutritious with enough calories to serve as a lunch replacement.

Does anyone have a link or good ideas on smoothies that are easy to make, easy to consume, but don't necessarily HAVE to taste like a Jolly Rancher?


from Forums - Nutrition

توكيل صيانة ثلاجات باساب (الاسكندرية) 01225025360 | خدمة عملاء باساب (المندرة)

رقم صيانة باساب فى العصافره || 01225025360 || صيانة باساب فى العصافره| رقم مركز خدمة باساب فى العصافره| رقم صيانه باساب فى العصافره| صيانه باساب فى العصافره| مركز خدمة باساب فى العصافره| رقم تليفون صيانة باساب فى العصافره| خدمة عملاء باساب فى العصافره| مركز صيانة باساب فى العصافره| مركز صيانة باساب فى العصافره| توكيل صيانة باساب فى العصافره| توكيل شركة باساب فى العصافره| بلاغات اعطال ضمان باساب فى العصافره| صيانة باساب فى العصافره| نمرة تليفون شركة باساب فى العصافره || 01127571696 || رقم شركة باساب فى العصافره| فرع شركة باساب فى العصافره| ارقام تليفون شركة باساب فى العصافره| رقم خدمة عملاء شركة باساب فى العصافره| رقم الخط الساخن لشركة باساب فى العصافره| رقم باساب فى العصافره| رقم باساب فى العصافره| رقم تليفون شركة باساب فى العصافره| رقم شكاوى باساب فى العصافره| رقم ضمان باساب فى المنصورة 01225025360 | عنوان باساب فى العصافره| فروع شركة باساب فى العصافره| توكيل شركة باساب فى المنصورة | وكيل شركة باساب فى العصافره| رقم شركه باساب فى العصافره| خدمة اصلاح باساب فى المنصورة | ارقام شركة باساب فى العصافره| ارقام باساب فى العصافره| معرض باساب فى العصافره| الوكيل المعتمد لشركة باساب فى العصافره| التوكيل المعتمد باساب فى العصافره| توكيل شركة باساب فى العصافرهالمعتمد | الرقم الساخن لشركة باساب فى العصافره| رقم شكاوى شركة باساب فى العصافره| معرض باساب فى العصافره| الخط الساخن لشركة باساب فى العصافره| رقم موبايل شركة باساب فى العصافره 01127571696 | المركز الرئيسى لشركة باساب فى العصافره| الصفحة الرسمية لشركة باساب فى العصافره| المقر الرئيسى لشركة باساب فى العصافره| شركة صيانة باساب فى العصافره| الرقم الموحد شركة باساب فى العصافره| الموقع الرسمى لشركة باساب فى العصافره| رقم صيانة باساب فى العصافره| رقم صيانة ثلاجة باساب فى العصافره| رقم صيانة غسالات باساب فى العصافره| صيانة غسالات باساب فى العصافره| رقم فرع باساب فى العصافره| رقم صيانة غسالة باساب فى العصافره| صيانة غسالة باساب فى العصافره| رقم صيانة باساب فى العصافره| صيانة باساب فى العصافره| صيانة باساب فى العصافره| رقم صيانة باساب فى العصافره| رقم صيانة غسالة باساب فى العصافره| رقم صيانة باساب فى العصافره| رقم صيانة غسالات باساب فى العصافره| رقم صيانة تكييفات باساب فى العصافره| صيانة غسالات باساب فى العصافره| صيانة باساب فى العصافره| صيانة تكييفات باساب فى العصافره| صيانة باساب فى العصافره| صيانة غسالة باساب فى العصافره| صيانة ديب فريزر باساب فى العصافره| مركز صيانة الاجهزة المنزلية لشركة باساب فى العصافره| صيانة ثلاجة باساب فى العصافره| صيانة باساب فى العصافره| رقم صيانة ديب فريزر باساب فى العصافره 01225025360 | رقم صيانة مجفف باساب فى العصافره| صيانة مجفف باساب فى العصافره| صيانة ثلاجه باساب فى العصافره -, تكييف,غسالة, , ,ثلاجة, , -صيانة دراير باساب فى العصافره-رقم صيانة دراير باساب فى العصافره-رقم صيانة باساب فى العصافره-توكيل باساب فى العصافره-توكيل باساب فى العصافره-وكيل باساب فى العصافره-وكيل صيانة باساب فى العصافره01225025360 || توكيل صيانة باساب فى العصافره - وكيل صيانة ثلاجة باساب فى العصافره-رقم صيانة غسالات اطباق باساب فى العصافره-صيانة غسالات اطباق باساب فى العصافره - صيانة غسالة اطباق باساب فى العصافره - رقم صيانة غسالة اطباق باساب فى العصافره - الرقم المختصر لشركة باساب فى العصافره - توكيل صيانة غسالات

from Forums - Nutrition

Weight Loss: How To Make Baked Stuffed Tomatoes For A Healthy Snack

The spicy snack is complemented with a soothing, milky gravy. This snack is sure to be a hit among all age groups, alike.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Aurobindo Pharma aims to become debt free in 3 years sans Sandoz deal

In September last year, the USD three billion drug maker said its US subsidiary entered into an agreement to acquire commercial operations and three manufacturing facilities in America from Sandoz Inc, USA, a Novartis Division, for USD 900 million.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Food Faceoff: Soup Semis

These 18 Soups all received 8 or more votes thru the week.

Please choose up to 6 that you like for tomorrow's Finals:

Baked Potato

Cheesy Chicken Enchilada

Chicken Pasta

Creamy Chicken Noodle

Sweet Potato

Turkey Pot Pie

Broccoli & Cheese

French Onion

from Forums - Nutrition

Sweet Potato Casserole with Butterscotch Pudding Recipe?

I lost a great recipe from here for a nonfat candied sweet potato recipe that used butterscotch pudding.
Anyone have it or know where I can find it?
Thank you!

from Forums - Nutrition

I Need Help! Cutting down weight during swim season after bulk

I’m 15 years old and 160 pounds with a height of 5 10” and over the summer i started a bulk at 130 pounds when i was skinny. But now i’m that i’m 160 i have gain a lot of muscle which i’m pleased with but i also gained some fat so no abs and you can see love handles start to develop. So i also am a swimmer and my season starts in a week or so which will help me cut but i’m worried about losing the muscle that i’ve put on because we swim for around a hour and a half and then dry lands which is running for 20 minutes either distance or sprints then the other 25 is core and body weight exercises. This means i burn a lot of calories doing that for 6 days a week for 2 1/2 months when i’m not lifting so how do i know how much to eat without losing all the muscle due to a caloric deficit. While still losing fat. Please help.
ps. I eat around 145-160 grams of protein a day and around 2800+ calories

from Forums - Nutrition

Do I have to be in the cut and bulk cycle

hey im working out for 4 years now but i lost almost all muscled during 6 months now im starting again and i have a high bf like 20 or 25 not sure.
But im tall 185cm and i weigh 100kg and 26 years old.
my advantage is that i dont look so fat because i have naturally very broad shoulders and back and long arms actually the best body for bodybuilding but i had always a problem with nutrition.
i guess i had an eating disorder always cycled between cutting and bulking although i guess i wasnt so fat back then i just hadnt a six pack.
this led to an decrease of performance which hindered me to get very strong.
when i see myself in clothes i think im too thin when i see my in underwear i think im too fat so ....

from Forums - Nutrition

How to push through effects of fasting? dizziness, freezing body, personality changes

How do you guys make it through fasting?

For me, if I go even an hour of feeling hungry, my head gets blurry, body temperature drops significantly (hands get cold), I get irritable, my nose starts running, face gets puffy, etc... and generally I find it difficult to function normally, especially in a work or academic environment. When I was younger, I sometimes wore gloves indoors when I went a few hours of being hungry, as my body started to shiver. Even if I don't get dizzy, the constant shivering is a distraction to tasks at hand. But then everything "warms up" back to normal again right after a meal, even a small one. For example, way back in freshman year of college, I set my room temperature to 80-85 deg in the summer (which probably pissed my roommate off) due to a few hours of hunger... and I would still be freezing. But after a meal, I would instantly feel warmer and set it back to 60. And that was during a time I was skinny, so I wasn't in the habit of overloading on food. From reading up on fasting, it seems like these effects are not a common occurrence...? How do you deal with this?

Is there a way to "fool" the brain into thinking the stomach is more full than it is? And if so, would that also cause body temperature and brain clarity to return to normal? And if anyone suggests a "small snack" during the fast, what types of snacks work best in terms of warming the body back up and making the head less dizzy?

from Forums - Nutrition

Indian Cooking Tips: How To Make Stuffed Paniyaram At Home

From idli, vada and dosa to bonda, murukku, pappadum or paniyaram, South Indian delights can be savoured anytime of the day. When it comes to snacks, paniyaram, also known as paddu or appe, is popular...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Eat These 3 Winter Foods To Boost Your Immunity This Season

During this time of the year, our immunity tends to take a dip. Hence, it gets imperative to consume healthy food as a healthy and balanced diet is essential to keep flu and seasonal allergies at bay.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Weight Loss: This 4-Ingredient Apple Salad May Help You Lose Weight

We bring to you an easy-to-make weight-loss-friendly recipe that is a perfect combo of taste and health. Wondering what it is? It's the 4-ingredient apple salad for weight loss.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Cooking Tips: Treat Your Guests With This Lip-Smacking Masaledar Chicken Lollipops

Cooked in an eclectic pool of spices, the dish has got a rustic flavour along with a tangy touch; thanks to the presence of the ground masala and tamarind paste.

from NDTV Food - Latest

USFDA finds several violations in Aurobindo sterile injections unit

FDA investigators have observed violations in sterilisation process to prevent microbial contamination and shortcomings in facility management procedures along with lapses in the design of the manufacturing plant. The same unit had come under the FDA radar in March 2018.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Food Faceoff: Soup 5

Below are 8 Autumn Soups.

Please choose up to 4 that you like:

Beef Stew

Black Bean

Chicken Parm

Lemon Chicken & Rice

Lobster Bisque

Pasta F a g ioli

Vegetable Cabbage

White Bean Escarole

from Forums - Nutrition

Cutting Help

Hello! First of all, sorry for any mistake in my english!

I was 2 years without training

Those days i read a lot of articles and diets

Could anyone help with my d?

I want to start with cutting to lose localized fat and after change to bulking

I was being very sedentary and only eating chocolate, bread, maionese and roasted cookies for 2 months (almost everybody here have already started to live alone and know how is the first month ahhahah)

Age: 20 years

Width: 177cm

Weight: 81kg

BF: Between 15 - 20%

Medium intensity training because I'm coming back now, but I intend to intensify in 1 month

Cycling between 20 to 25 min a day making my daily journey (I started 1 week ago, before I was 100% sedentary)

Running 15 to 30 min 2/3 days / week

I'm going to start boxing (40 min a day) 2 days / week

Using an online calculator gave my TBM is 1709 and my daily calorie expenditure is 2634

Ref1 8hrs:

vitamin C and D tablet

150 ml of milk

1 scoop of whey

40g oats

prot = 31g carb = 34g fat = 4g cal = 300kcal

Ref2 11hrs

2 eggs + stuffing (tomato, onion, bell pepper)

100g of sweet potato

1/2 spoon olive oil to make egg

prot = 15g carb = 28g fat = 19g cal = 320kcal

Ref3 13hrs

150G chicken

50g whole pasta


prot = 47g carb = 32.5g fat = 09g cal = 473kcal

Ref4 16hrs

2 eggs + 1 egg white

1 slice of whole grain bread

1/2 tablespoon olive oil to make egg

prot = 17g carb = 13g fat = 19g cal = 345kcal

Ref5 30 min pre workout 18: 30hrs

creatine 5g

50g sweet potato

100g chicken

2 Brazil nuts

prot = 38g carb = 14.5g fat = 18g cal = 370kcal

Ref6 30min post workout 20: 30hrs

100ml of milk

1 scoop of whey

1 banana

1 4g dextrose tablet (just after training)

prot = 22g carb = 38g fat = 1.5g cal = 250kcal

Ref7 22hrs

150g chicken

50g sweet potato


prot = 46g carb = 12.5g fat = 12g cal = 350kcal

total prot = 216g - 2.7g / kg

total carb = 175g - 2.18g / kg

total fat = 75g - 1g / kg

total cal = 2405 kcal

So, what do you think?

I have an ISO Energy pre-workout (coffee and carbo), but from what I've been reading, I don't think it's a good decision for now, to look for burning localized fat and waiting to take q and start increasing. Am I right?

from Forums - Nutrition

India courts private hospitals to boost Modicare

India is offering incentives to private hospitals to boost Modicare, the world’s biggest government health program.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Savour The Best Of World Cuisine At Kiyan, The Roseate; Here's Our Pick

Set amidst Isfahan-inspired columns and surrounded by royal blue water bodies, Kiyan at The Roseate, New Delhi is the resort's all day dining restaurant that is dishing out the best of world cuisine.

from NDTV Food - Latest

How Nutritionally Significant are Small Servings of Fruits and Vegetables?

From the standpoint of micronutrient quantity alone, it seems like you'd have to eat a substantial amount of multiple different fruits and vegetables daily in order to hit a healthy threshold as a dedicated trainer.

While I love fruit and vegetables and already include them somewhat in my regular diet, they are relatively time consuming to prepare and quickly perishable as produce. Making them a significant portion of your diet can't be a bad move, but do you have to eat them in especially large quantities in order to yield a noticeable nutritional benefit?

For instance, you often hear of people who put a handful of berries in their oatmeal or cereal, or who garnish a savory dish with diced peppers or onions. Of course, that's likely more for the flavor than nutrition, but how much of an impact does that alone make?

Hearsay, random online reading, and common sense comprise my sparse knowledge of nutrition. It's always seemed like the health properties of fruits and vegetables aren't very statistically significant unless you're shoveling them into every meal as the leading portion. Again, we'd probably all be better off if that was the way meals were approached, but simply including them moderately is much more feasible (say, only eating an apple every morning and including a cup of some kind of green vegetable to your dinner or something like that). How much does that really do by itself?

from Forums - Nutrition

Meal vs coffee?

Hello. Am a skinny guy with belly fatand no time to workout. So in order to reduce those fats i thought about skipping some meals.
I always drink a cup of milk and coffee in the morning with 2 tea spoon sugar and 2 croissant (406 calories in each croissant). I have another milk and coffee same as described above at 4pm
As for food i eat whatever has been cooked pasta, eggs, French fries anything a meal at 12 and a meal at 9pm

I have started to skip the 12am meal for like 2 weeks but i was confused which one should i be skipping the meal or the milk coffee mix with the croissant , which one causes more fat to the body?
Thank you

from Forums - Nutrition

most accurate TDEE calculator

I’m in a cut, i weigh 158 pounds roughly, 5 foot 9 and i eat around 1800 cals per day. i’m not sure if that’s too aggressive of a cut, what’s the most accurate TDEE calculator so i can find my maintenance calories.

from Forums - Nutrition

Weight Loss: This Baked High-Protein Hung Curd Snack Is A Perfect Combo Of Taste And Health

The best part about this kebab recipe is that it is completely baked and doesn't involve any use of oil (except while greasing the baking tray), further making it weight-loss-friendly.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Is it a bad idea to change diet right away ?

I am new here. I have not done bodybuilding and dieting before. I am 28.

My question is :

Is it a bad idea to change my diet right away ?

Like for example. Trying to change my regular diet right away from the next day.

I tried to do this but I started to fell stressed and pressured.

How did you guys changed your diet when you were starting for the first time ?


Thank you.

from Forums - Nutrition

Meet Majiziya Bhanu, a hijab-clad power-lifter from Kerala who packs a punch

With an impressive array of medals under her belt, the 25-year-old dental surgeon from Kozhikode has been smashing stereotypes with her sporting feats

from The Hindu - Fitness

Easy Snack Recipe: Use Leftover Dhoklas To Make Quick, Wholesome And Flavourful Dhokla Chaat At Home

While most of you would be familiar with popular chaat variants like aloo chaat, papdi chaat or bhalla chaat, we share with you a stellar recipe of dhokla chaat that is less popular but incredibly...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Quick Breakfast Recipe: How To Make 5-Minute Spicy Crepe Paratha At Home (Recipe Video Inside)

This recipe of crepe paratha, by Mumbai-based YouTuber Alpa Modi, will help you ace the quirky breakfast treat at home. It displays an amalgamation of a variety of bright colours; thanks to the...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Kartik Aaryan Rang In His B'Day By Cutting 2 Delish Chocolate Cakes

The actor turns 29 today on November 22nd, 2019, and he rang in his birthday last night with a perfect midnight surprise. Kartik's parents decorated his place with colourful balloons and candles, and...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Watch: Bhuna Masala Chicken Wings Recipe (Video)

Chicken wings get a desi makeover. These flavourful chicken wings, slathered with exotic Indian spices, can make for a perfect party appetiser.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Child Nutrition: Students Who Miss Breakfast May Perform Poorly In Exams

A study found that students who rarely ate their morning meal scored an average of 1.20 points lower than those students who consumed breakfast frequently. The findings of the study were published in...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Winter Dessert: How To Make Delish Dates Halwa For Your Next Spread

Cooked in oodles of ghee and topped with nuts, halwas can be enjoyed both warm and cold. Some people choose to sweeten their halwa with refined sugar, some do it with jaggery, but this delicious dates...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Food Faceoff: Soup 4

Below are 8 Autumn Soups.

Please choose up to 4 that you like:

Chicken Tortilla



Parm Tomato

Split Pea

Stuffed Pepper



from Forums - Nutrition

Clarification on Maintenance Calories Vs. BMR

I wanted to clarify something about how I'm currently dieting,

I'm currently trying to lose fat/gain muscle, basic transformation things. But I want to know whether or not it would be worth eating less than my maintenance calories or basal metabolic rate if I want to continue in my goals.

My current assumption is that if I eat under my BMR (obviously not too low though), I will lose fat. And if I eat less than my maintenance calories, I will lose weight.

If I could get some other opinions on this, that would be great. Much appreciated!

Also here are my measurements:
Weight: 195
Height: 6'2"
BMR: 2078
Caloric Needs: 3150
Daily Caloric Intake recommended by MyFitnessPal: 2700
Unsure about my body fat percentage but it's probably 16%

Just some extra information:

My diet is mostly low-carb but I do cheat from time to time.
I work out on and off. Two days on, two days off to let my muscles recover, two days on, etc.
I've avoided excess amounts of added sugar this past year, but I do still have small amounts if they're in things like bread, protein shakes or other foods.

from Forums - Nutrition

Gulati Restaurant: Drawing Food Lovers To Pandara Road Since 1959

Gulati Restaurant has the perfect combination of great hospitality, centralised location and mouth-watering dishes.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Laurus Labs gets 3 observations from USFDA for Visakhapatnam facility

The company has completed the pre approval inspection (PAI) for an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) manufactured at its Units 1&3, located at Visakhapatnam by the United States Food and Drug Administration, Laurus Labs said in a filing to the BSE. The inspection was completed with three observations, 'which are procedural in nature'.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Cardio or eat less?

Hi guys, out of curiosity is it better to do cardio or just eat a little less if you want to lose some weight. I ask this as I’m wondering whether cardio causes too much interference or not and potentially causes you to be too rundown?


from Forums - Nutrition

Watch: Make Creamy Dhaniya Murgh (Chicken) At Home (Recipe Video Inside)

Here is a new exciting recipe that will definitely become your new favourite chicken dish. This dhaniya murgh (chicken) brims with flavours from our traditional Indian spices.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Weight Loss: What Is The Perfect Time To Eat Desserts? Experts Reveal

According to a study, if dieters eat a carbohydrate-rich, protein-packed breakfast that includes dessert, they tend to have reduced cravings throughout the day and are better able to keep off lost...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Onions For Winters: How This Staple Food May Boost Your Health This Season

Here we tell you how eating onions during winters may help you (health benefits of onions). Although, it is important to consume this food throughout the year, onion offers special health benefits...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Chinese strategy: Dr Reddy's outsources part manufacturing to local parties

The company which won the tender to market Olanzapine drug in China, is expected to launch it beginning next year, the official said. The products are manufactured either in the plant owned by KRRP in China, or partners in China, or in India by Dr. Reddy's, the official further said.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times