can't stop losing weight: indigestion and getting enough calories

A few months ago, I started having acid reflux and upset stomach issues and have been losing almost a pound of week since then while taking PPIs. Even though I've cut my workout from 2 hours a day to less than 30 minutes a day, I can't seem to stop the weight loss. I've followed the medical route of scopes and scans, but that doesn't seem to be getting anywhere.

I know that part of my problem is a decade-long habit of eating very low fat diet, but now it's really biting me. I'm currently trying to teach by body to handle stuff like whole fat greek yogurt, which might work in the long run, but I'm looking for something else to help.

The few protein powders I've taken in the past have had not-so-great results for my digestion, even before I got sick. Anyone have recommendations for way I can get more calories into my body. Are there any particular weight gainers that are much easier to digest than others?

from Forums - Nutrition


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