Eatting the same thing EVERYDAY, cutting.

Before I start this off, I actually really enjoy this meal and it is not boring to me whatsoever.
Typically my day goes like this:

Age; 22
BW; 179 Lbs
H; 5'10 - 5'11

0800 AM Off work
0830 AM Sleep, wake up around 1500 PM, sometimes I have a bowl of cheerios, some days not.
1530 PM Gym
- 1.5 Hr - 2 Hr weight training, depends on the day
- 45 Minutes - 1 Hour of cardio, typically burning 750-950 Calories
1830 PM Head back and usually have a protein shake with skim milk (roughly 50g protein)
2300 PM Chicken Breast, ~180grams of broccoli(boiled), 1 Cup of rice (boiled)
0230 AM 2x Greek yogurt (200 calories, 24g protein)
0530 AM Chicken Breast, ~180 grams of broccoli(boiled), 1 Cup of rice (boiled)

...And repeat,

DTTE = ~2400 Calories
Total Nutri. = 1537 Calories, 131g Carbs, 193g Protein, 10-15g Fat.

Usually in a -800 to -1800 calorie deficit every day.

May have couple glasses of Orange Juice, typically stick to drinking a few liters of water everyday.

My body doesn't mind this whatsoever, just kinda curious what other people think!

Goal is dropping body fat % while maintaining strength, just want that six pack lol.

Edit; Should also add I will probably have a cup of watermelon slices on random days.

from Forums - Nutrition

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