How to push through effects of fasting? dizziness, freezing body, personality changes

How do you guys make it through fasting?

For me, if I go even an hour of feeling hungry, my head gets blurry, body temperature drops significantly (hands get cold), I get irritable, my nose starts running, face gets puffy, etc... and generally I find it difficult to function normally, especially in a work or academic environment. When I was younger, I sometimes wore gloves indoors when I went a few hours of being hungry, as my body started to shiver. Even if I don't get dizzy, the constant shivering is a distraction to tasks at hand. But then everything "warms up" back to normal again right after a meal, even a small one. For example, way back in freshman year of college, I set my room temperature to 80-85 deg in the summer (which probably pissed my roommate off) due to a few hours of hunger... and I would still be freezing. But after a meal, I would instantly feel warmer and set it back to 60. And that was during a time I was skinny, so I wasn't in the habit of overloading on food. From reading up on fasting, it seems like these effects are not a common occurrence...? How do you deal with this?

Is there a way to "fool" the brain into thinking the stomach is more full than it is? And if so, would that also cause body temperature and brain clarity to return to normal? And if anyone suggests a "small snack" during the fast, what types of snacks work best in terms of warming the body back up and making the head less dizzy?

from Forums - Nutrition

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