Cutting Help

Hello! First of all, sorry for any mistake in my english!

I was 2 years without training

Those days i read a lot of articles and diets

Could anyone help with my d?

I want to start with cutting to lose localized fat and after change to bulking

I was being very sedentary and only eating chocolate, bread, maionese and roasted cookies for 2 months (almost everybody here have already started to live alone and know how is the first month ahhahah)

Age: 20 years

Width: 177cm

Weight: 81kg

BF: Between 15 - 20%

Medium intensity training because I'm coming back now, but I intend to intensify in 1 month

Cycling between 20 to 25 min a day making my daily journey (I started 1 week ago, before I was 100% sedentary)

Running 15 to 30 min 2/3 days / week

I'm going to start boxing (40 min a day) 2 days / week

Using an online calculator gave my TBM is 1709 and my daily calorie expenditure is 2634

Ref1 8hrs:

vitamin C and D tablet

150 ml of milk

1 scoop of whey

40g oats

prot = 31g carb = 34g fat = 4g cal = 300kcal

Ref2 11hrs

2 eggs + stuffing (tomato, onion, bell pepper)

100g of sweet potato

1/2 spoon olive oil to make egg

prot = 15g carb = 28g fat = 19g cal = 320kcal

Ref3 13hrs

150G chicken

50g whole pasta


prot = 47g carb = 32.5g fat = 09g cal = 473kcal

Ref4 16hrs

2 eggs + 1 egg white

1 slice of whole grain bread

1/2 tablespoon olive oil to make egg

prot = 17g carb = 13g fat = 19g cal = 345kcal

Ref5 30 min pre workout 18: 30hrs

creatine 5g

50g sweet potato

100g chicken

2 Brazil nuts

prot = 38g carb = 14.5g fat = 18g cal = 370kcal

Ref6 30min post workout 20: 30hrs

100ml of milk

1 scoop of whey

1 banana

1 4g dextrose tablet (just after training)

prot = 22g carb = 38g fat = 1.5g cal = 250kcal

Ref7 22hrs

150g chicken

50g sweet potato


prot = 46g carb = 12.5g fat = 12g cal = 350kcal

total prot = 216g - 2.7g / kg

total carb = 175g - 2.18g / kg

total fat = 75g - 1g / kg

total cal = 2405 kcal

So, what do you think?

I have an ISO Energy pre-workout (coffee and carbo), but from what I've been reading, I don't think it's a good decision for now, to look for burning localized fat and waiting to take q and start increasing. Am I right?

from Forums - Nutrition


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