Still confused with protein absorption/intake

So, i've read what I could of threads about protein synthesis in the past. And I am still confused. Some people say you can take 100 grams of protein at once, some say you can't absorb that much at once, some say it doesn't matter when you take it, some studies say it's' better to take the protein every 4-5 hours or something, and other studies say there's an increase of strength for people that take a post-workout protein shake, or increase of lean mass, I don't know seems like everything is so messy regarding protein intake. One thing contradicts another, which then gets contradicted again.

My question is... does any of this have anything to do with overall building muscle, body composition, in the long-term, or can I eat 100 grams of protein after my workout? I'm talking like 2 scoops of protein and then a meal right after which would probably equal around 80 grams of protein within 2 hours, and count that as my protein intake for the day. Prefer that I hit the bulk of my daily protein targets as fast as I can.

from Forums - Nutrition

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