Nutrition Tips When Starting Exercise

Hi guys,

So I'm after a little help with my diet, just a quick question really :)

I'm jumping the gun here a bit but wanted to check if I need to increase my calories so I'm not in too much of a deficit?

A Few Details About Me
So I've been on a fat loss diet for the past 3 months and have dropped from 16'7 to 14'2, as of today.
I'm a 6 foot, 29 year old lad.
1200 Calories per day, (1900 BMR)

So the first 2 months of my diet was just eating at a deficit, couldn't spend time at the gym, because of excuses :(.

I dropped from 16'7 to 14'12 during this time and all went well. Last month I have mainly been on a keto diet paired with daily visits to the gym, even double visit on the weekend.

I have noticed that I haven't lost too much in terms of gains, and my strength is still pretty good.

Any help would be appreciated.

from Forums - Nutrition


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