New nutrion with a new job

Hi Guys!

First time posting so take it easy on me!

So I've been lifting for the last year or two and started to take it a bit more serious and was always able to manage my weight losses throughout the years by cutting calories well and hitting my loss goals.

However i have recently started a new job which requires me to cycle 5 miles to and 5 miles from work everyday, (6 days on 3 days off pattern) at the job itself i sit in an office chair for 6 hours straight...

The cycle itself takes me a comfortable 25ish minutes (roughly cycling 10mph) with several hills on the way there and only 2 on the way home...

Now this is where ive hit a wall, i want to continue to gain muscle but also continue cutting away at a bit of fat i accumulated from partying for 2 months straight...

I know in order to gain mass you need to eat more, but to lose fat you need to lower your calorie intake..

Currently sitting at 104kg weight and 1.87m height..

Benching at 95kg flat
Curling at 21.5kg per dumbell
Squatting ive not done in a while same with deadlifting(take it easy on me im getting to it...)
Military pressing 60kg

Help or any advice will be greatly appreciated...

from Forums - Nutrition

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