Is it ok to eat unhealthy food every once in a while?

I'm a 14 year old male with a very high metabolism and I set out to lose weight around a year ago (Back then I didn't have a fast metabolism). I exercise very frequently and much more than anyone I know. Since then I've been really strict about what I eat. I only eat healthy low fat foods usually with a lot of protein and never having any unhealthy meals or cheat meals. Lately, I've noticed that being on a very healthy diet and seeing no end in sight can make life very bland and I feel like I'm not enjoying it as much as I could be. I basically eat the same breakfast and lunch everyday and I only have 4 different meals for dinner.At the moment I sort of have a fear of eating unhealthy foods because I feel like I'm going to gain weight and become fat/derail my process. The more I think about it, it seems that eating very healthy 24/7 and sort of fearing unhealthy foods is obsessive and at an unhealthy level. Will I gain weight and or derail my process if I eat unhealthy sometimes? Also is splenda bad for you and can it cause weight gain? I would really appreciate some feedback/opinions. Thanks.

from Forums - Nutrition

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