General Advice


I know you probably get this on the forum hundreds of thousands of times but I'm genuinely stuck in my fitness journey. My gym is way too crowded, I'm following a program that I don't think I can stick with and I don't know whether to cut or bulk, stick or twist.

I'm currently 156.7lbs and according to my scales around 44% muscle, 17% body fat. I'm currently cutting to try and get rid of this skinny fat look I've got going on where my stomach accumulates the majority of my fat. Is this the correct approach? I'm currently eating about 1,500 calories a day.

I'm following Christian Guzman's upper/lower routine but I'm finding some of the movements too adventurous for me and there's not way in hell I can do legs twice a week (I'm a pussy), I prefer simple and effective exercises but I'm not clued up enough to just make my own routine - I used to do Push/Pull/Legs but because I essentially designed the program myself I didn't stick with it because I was unsure as to whether it was covering all bases (Every exercise was 4 sets of 8-10).

I love working out, I love going to the gym but I don't know what the right answer is for me and it really is halting my progress because I can't stick to just one thing and go for it.

I appreciate this is a lot of bullcrap to read through but any advice would be welcomed as I genuinely do need the help.

from Forums - Nutrition

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