How many isolation sets do you do for arms?

Collecting more data for the EliKoehn science thread. Please enter the following data:

1. Your height
2. Your current weight
3. Your bicep/arm measurement, measured cold flexed
4. The number of isolation sets you do for arms (biceps/triceps) in a week
5. Total number of compound push/pull sets you typically do in a week, just enter a rough estimate if you don't know the exact number
6. Your wrist measurement, measured at the narrowest point (can be copied from the other thread for those who registered it and don't remember the measurement)

My personal data:
1. 5'11''
2. 190 lbs
3. 15.2 inches
4. 6 (average week)
5. 15
6. 6.7 inches

The more people who enter their data the more fun this will be! If there is enough data I'll enter some results into the EliKoehn science thread later

from Forums - Nutrition


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