New member! Looking for advice please.

Read a lot, learned a lot. I have an Endomorph body type. 52 years old, sedentary lifestyle. 265lbs 6' tall. 42 inch waist, man boobs... "dad bod girlie man" so to speak.

Last month I finally said to myself "I need to get healthier for myself - screw the family - but for ME".

I bought an elliptical. Joined a gym. Started exercising. Feeling better. Starting weight was about 274lbs. Im doing good. But I want to know a few things from the experts in here. My goal is to build muscle but lose lots of body fat.

I exercise on an empty stomach (usually 2-3 hours after i last ate). Im slowly building up my intensity and workout routines so my body can adjust. For example - the first 4 days I could NOT use the elliptical for more than 3 minutes without fatigue and getting winded. Today I can stay on it for 32 minutes. Im using free weights and modified a few workout programs from online... It seems to be working, but...

Should I eat immediately AFTER workout or 60-90 minutes after? i wonder what is better for fat loss?
I typically eat a green vegie (broccoli spinach, green beans) and chicken breast or a can of tuna with a teaspoon of mayo after working out. Not trying to get bulky... my muscles are starting to grow / exist - lol... I just need some ideas as to when to eat after a workout... immediately after? or one hour? 2 hours? 3 hours? does my body eat the fat for fuel after a workout? Does it work like that?

Thanks you all so much. Advice is welcomed.


from Forums - Nutrition

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