Reactive hypoglycemia and macros, pancreas issues

Hello! I'm 109 lbs and 5'1", 30y/o. I was referred to an endocrinologist because I was having Reactive Hypoglycemia. (Dangerously low glucose after carb intake) so over the years I learned to adjust my diet.
A1c is 5.1.

I live on:
Zero caffeine,
Very minimal carbs- Low Glycemic index foods, high protein, high healthy fats and high fiber low carb foods.

I used to do bodybuilding and bikini competitions about 8 years ago before I had Reactive Hypoglycemia-- after years I learned how to control it. But------

I'm getting back into the fitness lifestyle and my endocrinologist thinks I'm crazy that I think my muscle growth is being stunted because my glucose isn't being utilized properly. I cannot take insulin because my pancreas Still produces second phase insulin ( it doesn't produce first phase insulin anymore ) so I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.

My carbs mainly consist of high fiber carbs and low Glycemic foods.

Calories for maintaince are around 1800-1900 ( that is where I found I remain the same over the years) but it's so hard to get the calories in without the surplus of carbs. That's where I'm struggling... I do not want to do 200g of protein and blow out my kidneys, nor do I think 100g of fat is necessary healthy.

Any advice out there? I've read some forums on here about how bcaas and whey protein may cause issues? I'm also curious because I've never had an issue with them.

Thank you!,

from Forums - Nutrition

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