Nutrition plan for foodies - people who like real food?

45 years old. I'm about 6' tall, 205lbs. This is as heavy as I've been. I've never been able to easily pile on slabs of muscle. It's a huge struggle to put it on, even more so to keep it on. However, after going through a couple phases of personal training, with meal plan included, I feel like I've become somewhat metabolically inflexible. I couldn't stand eating any more eggs. Even an avocado - one of my favorite fruits, started to make me gag. I grew up on a farm, have always been used to real food. And as an adult, I grew accustomed to having a variety of fine foods. When I fell off the "get big" diet last time, I gained bad weight quicker than ever. Went in at 185, put on about 5 lean pounds, and the rest was just me acquiring the dad bod (after I could no longer stand the vomitous nutrition plan). I haven't eaten fast food, per se, in my adult life.

I can't do protein powders. They make me sick to my stomach, bloated, and non-stop ****ting. It's a no-go. Give me whole foods. That being said, I need something more palatable than olive oil, smacks of peanut butter, and eggs - the god forsaken eggs.

Do any body builders eat actual food? I mean, I know that you have specific goals, and are willing to just subside, rather than actually enjoy eating. But I don't need to be uber shredded. I'm not competing for anything. Healthy body weight, and maintenance of existing muscle. That's what I need. I wouldn't even mind getting back into calisthenics condition. But only if I can eat real food. Still want to have my human experience, and all that.

In addition, I think I actually developed a cholesterol problem, and should probably get my heart checked after the last meal plan. :D

Thanks in advance.

from Forums - Nutrition

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