low fat diet and low libido

So I was on a low fat diet for probably a good 5 months last year and I did notice that my libido went down over the summer but didn't think it had anything to do with my diet because I was pretty low bf% so I thought I was healthy. After the summer ended I began doing some research and found that fats affect hormones, so I started eating more fats. I have been doing so for about 5 months and still haven't had a return to normal for my libido. Is it possible that my test levels are now permanently changed because of my 5 month pretty low fat diet? Or will it just take a little more to return to normal. Ive noticed that when I visit home from college and stuff my face I feel my libido go up again. Any thoughts or anyone else experienced this too? kind of worried now lol

Edit: Over the summer I probably ate anywhere from 30ish to 50ish grams of fat a day@ 213lbs, now I try to hit 60ish to 90ish grams@ 217lbs. And would this affect cutting if I have low test? Cuz I feel like it would.

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/zKxlyR0

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