Skinny girl with no appetite needs some guidance


I am Sabryna and I am 33 years old. I always have been a hard gainer. I used to eat a lot and never gain weight but I was at my healthy weight. I am 5'3'' and I think the heaviest i have ever weighted was 125 when I was a teenager. Around 20 to 24 I weighed 118 pounds, then started doing drugs I went down to 108 pounds. I got sober 6 years ago but started having stomach issues: IBS. I was in so much pain at the time, that I started eating less and less... went down to 105, then someday I took a picture of myself and noticed how skinny my arms and my face were. I went on the scale: 96 pounds. I started crying. I didn't notice until then how much weight I have lost and as I was already slim before.

Since then I have been struggling to gain my weight back. Right now I am stuck at 103-104 pounds. I hate my temples, my face because that's where it shows that I have lost weight. I also struggle with my self-esteem and my confidence because of that. My stomach is so used to eating less now that I have no appetite. I am nauseous often and tired. I went to the doctor and besides IBS, the issue is that I don't eat enough. It feels like a chore to eat because I have no appetite and I am full really fast. I also took the habits to not really sitting down to eat. Like I would make myself a plate, eat a few bites then go do something else and end up not eating my plate... same with I am with people, taking a few bites and that's it.

I am good at working out, having a workout routine but I am struggling big time with nutrition. My body fat is mostly on my arms, hips and legs. The rest is pretty skinny.

I would like to have some guidance in nutrition. I can't really eat gluten, red meat or too much cheese because of IBS. I want to gain weight, muscles and healthy fat. If someone has any advice, that would be so helpful!

from Forums - Nutrition


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