Requiring Some Advice For A Cut

Hey everyone, i'm currently trying to get in shape finally. So i'm currently at just under 94kg, 170cm & roughly around 35-38% body fat, trying to cut down to around 20-25% or lower, naturally 15% being the goal.

So being a gamer, my girlfriend got me two 10kg dumbells to help me with my goal and to get me to be active for my birthday in a few days time, So i've been focusing more on putting on muscle which in turn with keep my body fat low.

I'm a endomorph so i try keep my carbs to a minimum, due to my circumstances, the highest i can get to is around 130-140g protein a day, 150g if i'm lucky, sometimes higher depending on other factors but its rare. fats tend to be higher too but carbs i try keep to below 100g up to 120g.

I got on that TDEE calculator site that i should be eating 1740cal a day for a cut, Any idea if its accurate? For my workout, i'm using the Michael B Jordan "Killmonger" workout due to it being not your standard split but taking multiple part and i find i respond better to higher load work than standard type of workout, i'm weird lol. I also focus on free weights only due to not able to afford a proper gym and therefore only have my two dumbells and a makeshift Barbell though i am working on building up my own little home gym

The long term plan is to be at a similar size as Killmonger as silly as it sounds and be at 15% body fat, for various reasons but primarily for confidence and to not be ashamed of my body due to having a "Gamer Physique", i'm also busy studying Fitness Instructor & Nutrition Diplomas online and frankly at 50 i want to have a six pack and be in better shape than most 50yr olds

Advice would be greatly appreciated, if it matters i am poor so i'm trying to eat as well as i can within my means

from Forums - Nutrition


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