Bulk isn't working

Hey guys. I have been working hard over 4 years now to get familiar with my nutrition and getting into bodybuilding.

I started a bulk recently and my lifts are not progressing.

I am working my hardest at the gym on all my lifts and going twice weekly for full body workout. This includes Squats, rows, bench and then some accessory work. I do 3 sets of 10, when I can do 2 extra reps on the last set I increase my weights. This is what I always did when bulking or cutting.

I eat 1.6g per Kg of protein a day. As per the scientific evidence.

I am eating a 330 cal a day surplus.

I am gaining around 0.3kg a week consistently.

I sleep around 7-8 hrs a night. I do not drink or smoke. I have no other significant health issues.

Any ideas why it isn't working? I don't see what else can be changed if I am following all the science and advice!!

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/kmC7gQo


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