Need Some Help With Meal Prep

EDIT: so I think I've calculated enough to say that I need 2 cups of cooked white rice and 180-ish grams of chicken per meal for a 3 meal per day diet to reach my calorie/protein goals. I know this will be impossible for me to eat all of this so if you guys have any recommendations for more calorie dense foods to switch into my diet that would be awesome.

So, I plan on prepping my meals to hit my caloric surplus goal and I'm failing a bit because the math is evading me.
My goal is 2500 calories and my basic plan is to use the old faithful chicken rice and broccoli diet. Anyone have any tips on my portion sizes? I'm only sitting at 132 lbs right now at 5' 10" and could just use some advice.

Anyone know of any tools that could help me calculate portion sizes for the meals? I tried but doesn't seem that they will actually determine my portion sizes based on ingredients that I myself choose.
I have a crock pot, rice cooker, and food scale that I bought for this purpose but I feel my skills in math or understanding of meal prep is just severely lacking.

Also if anyone has any advice on WANTING to eat as much as this would also be greatly appreciated. Just need a point in the right direction.

If I'm just flat out incorrect about my current direction also please let me know. I'm not afraid of criticism.

My initial plan is to cook two days a week and store my meals to reheat and stick to a strict eating schedule.

from Forums - Nutrition

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