Trouble with calories and getting my nutrition right

Hi all, I am trying to dial in my nutrition.

Everything was going very well (nutrition wise) up until about a month and half ago when I had some blood work done and my A1C level was in the pre-diabetic range. I was only consuming around 230g of carbs a day and only around 15g of sugars (from fruit) a day. I had bloodwork done roughly a year prior to that and everything was within normal ranges (and I was eating way worse when the first round of bloodwork was done). 50g of those carbs did come from the Karbolyn supplement post work-out. I have since stopped drinking the Karbolyn drink and my only carbs come from oats and brown rice.

I am trying to gain lean-muscle mass and I asked the owner of the gym who also does meal-plans to create something for me and he has me at roughly 2200 calories (I am 5'10 and 150 lbs).

Are my calories to low?

How can I supplement the loss of carbs in my diet? (on 160g a day at the recommendation of my doctor until another round of bloodwork is done)

I just feel like I am not eating enough or the amount of carbs is not cutting it. I also feel like maybe the Karbolyn drink was causing the spike in my A1C, but I won't know until about April and I can't find any info on high blood sugar levels resulting from Karbolyn online.

A rough outline of my daily intake of food goes:

Eggs and egg whites w/ oats
Protein shake with oats
Beef with rice and veggies
Chicken with rice and veggies
Post workout protein shake
More eggs

from Forums - Nutrition

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