Sick - Can't eat enough - What to do?


Learned a lot from these forums over the years, was wondering if anyone had some insight on my current situation.

I've been very sick lately and can't eat much. I've been struggling to get down some oatmeal and part of a protein shake a day, not more than 800 calories, sugary drinks unfortunately are a main source. I had just finished a cut when I got sick and now the weight loss has been spiralling down.

The question I couldn't figure out the answer to was whether or not I should still be lifting as much as I can without the proper nutrition, or if that would just accelerate any muscle loss. And if there's anything I should be consuming to help out the situation. Been bodybuilding for years and I don't want this to set me back too far.

Thanks for reading.
*I'm 33 not 52

from Forums - Nutrition

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