New lifter needing help trying to find the right eating plan

Hello I appreciate you taking the time to check out my post I have just recently gotten into lifting/bodybuilding im a 31 year old overweight male sitting at around 235lbs. So sense I recently started working out/lifting I have drastically changed my diet from drinking energy drinks/soda and mostly garbage food. Down to strictly water with a coffee once or twice a week with light eating daily from morning to afternoon usually just some jerky to get me through the day followed by white rice and veggies for dinner. So my question/what I really need guidance on is what/how many times a day I should be eating my end goal is body building turning this fat into muscle and a body I can enjoy. Ive read/watched multitudes of things on what to do and not to do some say cut/lean before I start building muscle some things say I can do both at the same time some say I only need to eat once a day because my body will feed off the stored fat I currently have in my body other things say eat 4-6 times a day so im just looking for some solid advice for my situation. I appreciate yall reading my post/story and possibly giving me some helpful tips!

from Forums - Nutrition


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