Do you even supp, bro?

I don't. I spose I incorporate protein powders & bars into my meals everyday, but beyond that, I see no need to supplement. I eat plenty of salmon plus nori/edamame (bout 3x per week), a few n-3 eggs per week, & sometimes other seafood at least once per week, so I don't need any fish oil. I'm in the sun plenty here in SoCal so idgaf about Vit D. I also eat plenty of fruits/veg in a huge variety so I don't do a "greens" supp or multi, & plenty of yogurt (1-2x per day) so I'm likely good on calcium.

Is there anything I'm potentially missing or that you bros recommend? I'm generally skeptical of supps in general, but I'm interested to see what the regs here do.

from Forums - Nutrition


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