Can’t figure out my nutrition as a delivery bicyclist

So I got a full time job as a delivery bicyclist for Jimmy John’s.

I applied for the position to help me burn off excess fat.

So before I started working, my diet and macros were pretty well worked out in relation to my typical workout program. I was eating a lot of meat, doing fairly low carb.

The problem is now, my current job has me riding around on my bike sometimes up to 6 hours a day, 5 days a week. But the deliveries are inconsistent. Some days I might do 30+ deliveries. Other days, barely 10. So the amount of calories I might burn each day will vary wildly.

Not only that, I am starting to come to the conclusion that I will need to start taking in carbs. So I have started eating bread with peanut butter, because I find myself feeling weak and hungry all the time.

How do I find a consistent TDEE to work off of, if I want to continue to cut? How should I determine my daily macro goal? I do want to reduce some fat, but I also need enough fuel to make those uphill climbs.

Should I increase carbs, fats, more proteins?

from Forums - Nutrition


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