Body dysmorphia and fat lifters

A recent thread in the Losing Fat forum got me thinking about this.

We all know about "body dysmorphia" and "bigorexia/muscle dysmorphia" but based on the sheer number of guys coming to the forums thinking they have a lower BF% than they think, it seems like there should be a separate word for this.

It seems like none of the existing labels fit. It's kind of like "bigorexia" in that you're overly concerned about muscle gain relative to fat loss, but these people typically think they have a LOT of muscle so it's not that.

It's kind of like "reverse body dysmorphia" but unsure if that really captures this phenomenon as that normally refers to fat people who look into the mirror and see themselves as thin.

Is there a term for this or should we just consider body dysmorphia a spectrum that we're all on?

from Forums - Nutrition

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