How much weight should I gain while bulking?

I tried bulking a couple of years ago and didn't get good results. Back then I was 5'8 and 125. I tried to bulk by eating as much food as possible and eating peanut butter sandwiches every time I went to the gym but I only gained 10 pounds after 8 months and my body didn't really look different to me. So I stopped working out but I forgot to lower the amount of food I was consuming and I got up to 160 lbs 1 year after that. People started commenting that I was getting chubby and it made me extremely self conscious and I felt horrible so I lost the weight as quickly as possible. I don't know exactly how I did it, but somehow just by drinking a lot of water and doing calisthenics I managed to get back down to 130 lbs in a month. But after all of this i was basically right back where I started.

I was scared to work out and bulk after that because I hated how it felt when I gained weight so I've maintained the same weight for a year and a half now. I finally went back to the gym 2 weeks ago but I have no idea how to bulk properly. I'm 5'10 and 130 lbs. How much weight should I gain on a bulk, how long should I bulk and what should I eat? I don't want to get fat again lol. How do I gain as much muscle as possible over the next year?

from Forums - Nutrition


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