How good or bar is my current diet?


I am working out for almost 2 months now, had little results of muscle and also little of fat loas, is this diet average good or ****ed up?

Breakfast - two slices of brown bread, 1 cup of milk, one banana and one egg.

Lunch - 2 to 3 chicken legs, sometimes some pasta, some broccoli...(everything in one plate), some days a steak of meat only.

Afternoon - 1 cup of milk (with 4 tablespoon of oatmeal) and one egg

Dinner - 1 cup of milk (with 4 tablespoon of oatmeal) and about two bananas.

I am 5'6", 155 lbs before i started, now 150 lbs, not sure about the bodyfat percentage thought, but my face says that slightly decreased

from Forums - Nutrition

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