Almond and bean shake

Hello everybody,
This is my first post here, though I've been lurking for a while and love the forum. As the title says, I'm posting to see if my main source of calories is healthy and provides the vitamins and minerals a human body needs. Everyday I have a shake that consists of ground up raw almonds (ground to the consistency of almost flour) and a large can(30 oz/3.5 cups) of SunVista brand black beans. I am very aware that the canned beans have an immense amount of sodium. Though I believe the majority of the sodium is in the liquid in the can which I pour out and thoroughly rinse off the beans. My question is mainly about whether or not this shake is a healthy source of the majority of my macros, as I often have a difficult time eating and reaching the amount of calories i need so to depression and the meds i take for it. The almonds contain roughly 850 kcal and the beans contain 770 kcal, I am worried about the cholesterol from the almonds as well as the large amount of fats(although they are mainly monounsaturated, roughly 80%). It also only contains 80 grams of protein which seems to be like the minimum I would need. I am a 6'2" around 185lbs, with a rather sedentary lifestyle except for going to the gym 2 or 3 times a week. If there is anyone knowledgeable enough to advise me as to whether or not this is a healthy source of macros in addition to other foods including plenty of vegetables. I appreciate and look forward to your responses.

Thank you,

from Forums - Nutrition


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