Really worried about getting blood clots

I've been on some articles today, they say that blood clots can be caused by this and they can be caused by that, one being that excess amount of carbs can cause blood clots. Is this true? I'm currently on a bulk and consuming 455 grams of carbs a day as one of the trainers at the gym and some articles online say that when you go on a bulk you should have about 5 grams of carbs per kg. Am wondering could this amount of carbs potentially give me blood clots in the future? I'm quite worried as I'm a guitar player and absolutely DO NOT want to give up guitar due to having to have one of my arms amputated due to blood clots. This would be a nightmare situation for me. So the question is does having 455 grams of carbs a day likely to cause blood clots in the future? For your info im 6 foot 3 and wight 91 kg. Thanks.

from Forums - Nutrition


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