Bad idea to eats oats 3x every day for bulking?

At the moment I’m ~145lb at 5’7 or 5’8, I eat 3 meals everyday (breakfast, lunch, dinner), which by itself adds up to 2800-3000 calories and I don’t think I’m burning anything beyond 100-150 calories daily unless it’s a cardio day where I’d burn ~200 calories.

But, I’m wondering if it’d be unhealthy or a bad idea to eat 3 bowls of oats everyday to get extra calories in. Typically I have oats for breakfast, so I’d be eating another 2 bowls throughout the day.

I used to get extra bulking calories in by eating 5 spoons of peanut butter throughout the day, but I’ve stopped because I’m pretty sure it was causing me to get acne.

Should I try getting extra calories through additional fruits / vegetables or seasoning meals / olive oil on meals?

from Forums - Nutrition


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