Best protein absorbing practices?

Lets go into a dream world for a moment. *cue sparkly dream sounds*

"Lets say you have unlimited time to work out and unlimited protein powder, your also eating a meal/dinner a day and multivitamins to get your 100% ratios in."

So in this scenario, google says you can absorb around 10g/hour protein, or 20-25g/2hour

So this means, in theory, your body cannot absorb anymore than 240g in a 24/hour period?

Alternatively that would be 120g over a 12/h period? Since most of us sleep this seems like a better number to work with.

At 90kg of at least 1.7g protein per pound to gain muscle would be somewhere around 153g protein... So I would need to absorb that protein for 15h+ than?

If I can't absorb anymore than 25g in 2 hours, what if I drink a 100g shake, will that now cover me for 8h, or am I consuming too much in too short of a time and if I want to absorb more I'll need to consume more later in like 2 or 4 hours without getting the full 8h?

How much working out do you need to do in order to absorb 10g/hour continuously? In this scenario would you want to also be working out every hour or two in order to keep repairing your muscles in order to absorb protein and grow muscle? How much does bcaa's or other things come into effect for recovery time between workouts or absorption?

This scenario is pretty much true, I have 5x 11lb impact whey bags from myprotein cuz it went on sale and I didnt wana get bored of flavors. I normally eat a good meal for dinner with rice, pasta or potato's with meat of some kind and sauce. I also have found myself with alot of time where I am stuck near a computer but I could easily be working out too between tasks, but I'm wondering if I should be doing it more often than I am or more spread out or what.

from Forums - Nutrition

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