The comeback meal plan

Good afternoon guys,

I would love to get some feedback on my plan, I have spent some time building it and finding it complete - would appreciate if someone could have a glance, in case of any poor decision I have made. In terms of macros/choices.

I am calling it the comeback plan as I have been training for 3 years constantly with 2 years pause now - since gym break I lost some weight and muscles but overall feeling good due to heavy work and active lifestyle.

My goal is to gain muscle and recomposite body. I am 29yo, 78kg bodyweight and 182 cm height, heavy physical job and active lifestyle.

My macros were counted as :

Calorie 3,510 kcal
Carb 439g
Fat 117g
Protein 176g

So i have adjusted my meal plan according these :

calorie /carb/ fat/ protein

Breakfast: 805/ 123/ 23/ 34
Snack : 150/ 14/ 4/ 12
Lunch: 572/ 80/ 14/ 27
Pre Workout: 550/ 80/ 24/ 17
Dinner: 774/ 64/ 44/ 35

Also I'm having before bed casein, post workout protein and 3 bananas as snack during the day not mentioned above but counted in total macros.

I'm more likely looking for some pillar to start at, then would adjust macros accordingly with help of the fitness app

Breakfast: oatmeal, protein, almonds, fruit, honey
Snack: cottage, rice cakes, cucumber, fruit
Lunch: chicken, broccoli, rice, olive oil
Preworkout: egg fried rice
Post workout: protein
Dinner: sweet potato, minced beef steak, asparagus, green beans + bacon, avocado
Bed: casein

As macros were counted by fitness pal, I might start a bit lower to get used to, I am not planning to go all in right away but maybe in a week or so.

My question is if i could go like that , if aren't any obvious mistakes or anyways it could improve, as it might be beginning for me now, I am going to approach it with 100% efforts and passions.
Working out been always something what i loved to do however my personal life led me to have a break therefore be id be grateful for any addives or critique you guys might have

thank you


from Forums - Nutrition

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