As i've become serious about my diet and getting in shape I feel like if i eat too much food just in one day that its ruined so much progress even though it's just one day. In the past I have had days where ill eat 500 calories too many and then just decide to go all out because i already ruined it and end up eating like 4-5 thousand calories in that day. So i know its completely illogical and stupid but how do you guys become okay with having a cheat day every now and then and not worrying about it? Does it get easier when youve been staying in shape for longer and the one day ruined seems less significant in the long run? Its just annoying because i dont see myself eating unhealthy foods like potato chips and things again while im trying to cut or even while bulking when i switch in a month or so even though i know thats ridiculous.
from Forums - Nutrition
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